Chapter 5: the Sweetest Sound

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Sabrina's PoV:

         I awoke on Monday morning, the beginning of the second week of my third year. I woke up to the sound of Holland squeaking in my ear, rather than the bright sun coming in the window. I rose from my large bed, making my way over to Holland's food. I was still half asleep as I tripped over many things laying around my dorm room. Damn, I really should clean up... As I poured her food into a small bowl, I thought to myself about the music sheet. I had spent all weekend with the piano, locked in the Music Hall. Maybe I shouldn't have closed off the entire Hall, it was for everyone after all. But, for now it was still the only place I felt a peace of mind right now.
I felt bad that I hadn't seen or spoken to Hayden much over the weekend, but I knew he understood. I just wondered how much longer he would put up with me. Me and all of my mood swings...
           I knew the constant swings bothered him, though he was too sweet to say anything, and I knew he wanted to "fix" things. But, it wasn't that simple. It was never just black or white. There were just days where I couldn't stand to be around people. Not even Hayden. The glances, the constant stares, and pressure had taken its toll on me. I knew Hayden was desperately wanting to make it all better, but sadly enough it wasn't working. And, I wondered how long he would try to keep helping me.
         Therefore, I had locked myself away, with only that battered and worn piece of sheet music to keep me company. Oh and Holly of course... Over and over I had played it, slowly going insane. I studied it, each and every line, note, or cracking wrinkle in the paper. I just wanted to figure out what it all meant and why I was so drawn to it. The dark undertones of the piece, the eerie melody, all of it drew me back to the piece, like a moth to a flame. And yet, no matter how much I played it, no answers came to me. Nothing about who wrote it, why it was here, or where it came from... Most importantly, was there truly something wrong with me?
            Yet, here I was bright and early, way too early for my liking, prepping for my first class of the day. It was easy to get up and shower when you didn't sleep a lot the night before. I took my time in the shower, letting the scolding hot water cascade over my tired body. I stood there trying to convince myself that I was not crazy and that everything was going to be okay. That there was nothing to worry about, that I wouldn't be spending another year with the counselor up my ass. And most importantly, that Hayden loved me, that I loved him, and that he was the one for me.
        Getting ready was harder, or really just trying to cover up the bags under my eyes. Which is exactly what I worked on once I was out of the shower. I then wasted no time on my hair, simply towel drying it. Throwing on some medium wash jeans with my favorite sage sweater and black vans, I grabbed my bag and robe. Before walking out the door, I stopped and let Holland climb up on my shoulder.
           Even though I knew that I was doing just fine on time, the paranoia in my mind continued to scream at me that I was running way late. And so, I skipped meeting Hayden at our normal morning spot. I even took a different passage through the castle to Mrs. Weasley's classroom, as to avoid him. Very much so out of breath as I reached the room, I leaned against the doorframe looking in and noticing the room was empty.
          "Well fuck..." I muttered to myself as I stumbled in. I wasn't even close to late, I was in fact very early and a bad girlfriend. I walked to the front row, all the way to the right, as far from the windows as I could be. Placing my bag down on the seat right next to mine, so that no one would take it, I worked to put on my robe. Though I was early I knew that class would be starting soon, which is why I found it odd that our professor wasn't here yet. I placed Holland on the table where she watched me as I began to explore the dark room.
           As I found the room beyond intriguing, nothing stood out to me more than the beautiful emerald toned snake curled up on the pile of books atop the large desk in the front of the room. It was completely wound up with its eyes closed. However, I knew it was real and very much so alive as it was breathing, I could tell by the slight movements. I found this so odd because snakes normally preferred warm living conditions, lots of light and heat. This classroom was the exact opposite of where it should be, it was dark and chilly, yet here the snake lay completely unbothered. I took my time looking around a tad bit more before other students began to file in. I took my seat, watching my classmates, of all years, fill the room. To me they all looked the same, until the last one. This one stood out to me, I had seen him previously at the sorting ceremony. Even then he stood out to me, and that never happened.
            It was Grant Gryffindor. He wore a black button up and grey jeans, his robe hung loosely on his shoulders. Raising my eyes up I saw his dark eyes behind his glasses and the small bat clinging on to his shoulder. He walked all the way to the front of the room, past all of the other empty seats, as he chose the one next to mine. Looking down at my bay in the chair he looked back up to me, and then back up to me, our eyes locked.
           Rolling my eyes, I huffed and moved my bag as he smirked and sat down in the empty chair. "Irritating little fuck..." I thought to myself. I pulled out my iPad, keyboard, and textbook, prepping myself for class and trying to seem busy so that my desk mate wouldn't try to make conversation with me.
        Out of the corner of my eye and to my left, I saw the first year shift, almost like he was turning towards me. "Oh no you don't, ya little shit..." I thought to myself. Before I could say anything every student turned their attention to the front of the room. There we all saw the snake, whom I had previously seen sound asleep, having moved up a bit out of its coil. It sat there in a cobra like position, watching all of us in such an eerie manner. Before anyone could blink, it moved. We all watched as the snake moved off the books, curled its way down one of the thick desk legs, and down the aisle in between the tables. Most of the students, both boys and girls, shrieked with fear. I on the other hand was horribly fascinated. Maybe it was just my name, maybe it wasn't, but I adored snakes. With laser-like focus my eyes followed it all the way to the back of the room.  
Right at the door it stopped, but not in a panic like a trapped animal. In a rather graceful way, the snake ceased all movement. The room, and panicking students calmed themselves. With utter amazement, we watched the large black cloud of smoke rise from the floor, sheathing the snake. Within seconds, a figure emerged from the black smoke. We watched, most of us amazed as our professor made her way back towards the front of the room. She was incredible, with such an aurora of power. Celeste Weasley was everything I wanted to be, she was probably everything my parents had wished for me to be.
"Good morning students, you may now close your dropped jaws and open your ears!" She spoke with perfect diction, in a loud and powerful tone of voice. However, it was not one that struck fear into any of us, from what I could tell at least... "Class will be quite short today, as I want you to spend most of your time on your projects. These will be counting for most of your markings for the semester. Although, they are NOT yours alone!" I looked around as my classmates exchanged glances with one another. It was then that I couldn't wait to be a fourth year student so that I was only in classes with other fourth years and not mixed with those below me as well...

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