#2 Minority

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The world of Arcaeus was vast and expanding, Magic and familiars, beast people and demons, druids and vampires. There were many races out there in this world, and most of them have some sort of beef with the others. Though no more than the beast people and demons. There are rare circumstances of beast people living with the other races but if anyone were to see them... they would be taken to their nearest church to be euthanized...

That was the harsh reality of this world, beast people and demons were treated one and the same. The only race that seems to be at odds with the other races for their deplorable actions were the druids. The druids were mystical beings of the forests that knew that no one should be at odds with one another unless they did something drastic, being born into a race that they had no control over was not deemed as a good reason... So the druids disappeared, going back to the realm of spirits, or some people theorized.

The races that were considered "Superior." were the Humans and the Elves. Of course druids were above them for a time, but since no one had seen a druid in years, they were quite literally exiled from people's hierarchy, only told as a tale to children's bedtime stories.

The Elven kingdom of Riverthorn and the Human kingdom of Azathore were the two largest capitals of the continent, Sorhaven. Being the largest and most renowned kingdoms, of course they were at odds in terms of resources. The Dwarven settlements under large mountains were the only thing keeping the two from tearing each other apart, they, the Dwarves, were trading with both kingdoms in a sealed defensive pact. Whoever started the war... the Dwarves would turn on.

This wouldn't seem as much of an issue as there were other allies to be had, but because of how strong the materials that the dwarves had excavated and expertly molded into weapons. If either of them were to attack, they would surely fall. Of course there were other powers at play in the mighty game of chess. The religious power of Heaven's eye. The occult group that believed in the power of their god Belara was one of the most influential parties on the same level as the dwarves. They could topple hundreds of towns in civil wars and would likely come out unscathed.

These Heaven's eye members are the ones that carry out the euthanization of beast people and they always succeeded... until.


The screamed that pierced the forest died down, the flame Kitsune fell to the floor, her tail curling up in distress, her hand against her head in shock. "W-Why did I-I d-do that? A-All of th-them a-are d-dead..." It was as if her body completely moved on her own accord. Flinching at the sound of a tree branch snapping, she scrambled away as a squirrel seemed to land with the branch before scampering back up it in a panic.

Breathing in slowly and exhaling just as quickly left the girl in her thoughts. "They would have killed me... don't feel sorry for them for reaping..." She paused again... that overflowing rage of emotions almost escaping her again. "What they sow..." Looking down at her hands, she didn't know what to think of this...  She tiredly looked down next to the tree to see a flower growing right before her very eyes. "W-What?" Alex lifted her arm up, just as more flowers and grass appeared below her. "A-Appraise!" it was more out of panic more than anything. The panel appeared.  "Natures blessing." there seemed to have been more as the voice reached her ears.

'the blessing of druids promise towards beast people. It heals and camouflages beast people.' Alex sat still in confusion as the grass grew around her. "Why would I need..." She paused her train of thought as she heard clops of hooves onto the road nearby. She saw flashes of white, and that damnable symbol she had sat above as she was about to be euthanized by the old man. She scowled in anger, but couldn't help but be grateful for whatever blessing she got...

She blinked for a second as she wondered if there was a way to look at the skills that she had... it felt so easy to use the hell fire when she was in the state she was in... but now she can't feel anything... did she have to remember every skill she gained? Giving a sigh to herself. "I guess it's not exactly like a video game."  She watched from the now bush she was hidden in as a large amount of caped and hooded figures searched around. Assuming for her or other beast people...

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