#5 Unique Skill

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Some of the quests were simple enough, some of them were as simple as chores, picking up trash or gathering simple herbs from the forest. At times, it was pretty simple because as soon as she found the herb she looked for, the moment she leaned down it started blooming quicker, which made things more simple as it was a large enough herb to call it a job well done. Every time she completed a quest she would get paid the usual amount, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on how nice enough the people were.

She wondered if the guild needed a tax for the money, so the first time she brought her payment to the guild, and Seal had to explain to her what was fine. "So when we accept offers, they rank the difficulty of the quest and take a fee to hang it up in our notice board. So we already get the money before others get to it. Depending on the rank, the higher we get paid." It was a simple enough concept, one she was happy enough to keep the money as it was slowly accumulating.

Looking through the notice board, hearing some small grumbles behind her, she swished her tail and grabbed one rank higher than the normal one she had been grabbing. Turning towards the administrator's booth, she gave a small giggle at Seal, who was looking a little overwhelmed at the amount of papers in his arms. "Klara where do I put these." He groaned out, going from folder to folder, "Looking frazzled Seal." Alex said, pushing her arm against the desk, her hand laying on her face with a small smile spreading. Seal looked behind him quickly and his smile lit up the room. "Alex! How was your mission?" He ran up towards her, the papers still in his hand, as she gave a nod. "It was good, It was a little quick. I wanted to go for another." placing it on the desk, so Seal could look at it, he hummed.

"Oh Fire crystals, I remember that cave, such a long time ago." He hummed as she blinked and tilted her head. "You have done this before?" Seal nodded his head as he started placing the papers onto another desk. "Yeah, I'm an adventurer too, you know." Alex shrugged, it only made sense, everyone seemed to be one. Seal grabbed the stamp and stamped the paper before giving her a small word of advice. "There used to be some nasty stuff in that cave, so be careful." She made a face at that as Seal immediately held up his hands, "But it's been cleared out! Lio was the one to do it." Seal grumbled that last part while Alex frowned, the dejected look was present on his face at that.

"Well.. Wish me luck, Maybe we can get some food at the inn sometime?" She offered as he looked up curiously, his eyes shining in happiness. "Really? That would be nice! Sara's inn right? She makes the best food." Alex agreed wholeheartedly. He gave a silent look down, his face going a little red. "I-is t-this a date?" He asked curiously as Alex opened her mouth and almost closed it like a dazed fish. "Um..." She trailed off as she saw the sad look immediately appear on his face. "Yeah, why not." She said, immediately pushing down the rejection... Alex was in a different body... this was something she had to get used to... besides, it's not like girls were throwing in her previous life... Not to mention, Seal was one of the few people on her list of people.

Pushing that down she gave a smile towards him, seeing him smiling really brightly, he turned his head as he picked up papers. "Good luck on your mission, Alex!" As he happily went back to the folders, his hums reaching her ears while Klara who was in the booth next to them could only shake her head. "Now he's going to be humming all day." Alex could only giggle as she turned towards the paper. "Fire crystals huh." Alex hummed, walking out of the guild hall before stopping, turning to her right, Lio was leaning against the guild wall as she walked up to him curiously. "Hey Lio!" He turned over briefly at the call, as Alex pulled down the cloak from her head, a shy smile on her face.

He gave a nod. "Alex, how was your mission?" She shrugged, "It didn't take that long, so, I'm going on another." She showed him briefly as he nodded, grabbing his own and showed it to her, "I'm going on a cave exploration with some people. Apparently there were whispers of high class monsters in that area." Alex looked at him in awe, learning that Lio was one of the top ranked guild members was always something she wasn't ever going to get use to, the only time she saw him fight though was when Terra tried to strike her the first time... "You seem happy." He said with somewhat of a straight face.

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