#7 Trust

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The orb pulsed wildly and glowed brightly, Lio had remember seeing that glow from the dragon that they had slayed... his eyes widened at the implications as the fox girl tail swished. "Lio... Don't trust those you think you should." The words were placed carefully as he looked back towards the rescue party. "It's alright, we can get out on our own." But just as he said that, a knife went straight through Lio's chest. "Sorry Lio." The look of horror that spread across Alex's face as the blond elf fell to the ground, "All beasts must die." There was a small sense of clarity Alex went through when she heard those words... Then that sense snapped in half as she disappeared, the man, the one who was in Lio's party, could only move his eye for a brief moment, seeing Alex's leg raised, the last thing he saw was red and violet eyes before the kick landed across his head... and it was over for him. Twisting her body as Lio started to fall forward, she grabbed him, her face was like that of a wild animal, preditorial to anyone who even looked at her... and anyone who would dare threaten them would be dealt with... 

"C-Casters!" The group backed off quickly as The heavens eyes sorcerers, started charging up their magic. Just as Alex looked down at the blade that was sticking out of Lio, The pink aura was back as blasts of magic was shot towards the prone fox girl. A large amount of flames and smoke covered their vision, bringing their staffs up to shield their face, one gave a quick cheer. "WE got the beast!" As the vision began to clear from the spot that they fired at revealing nothing more then dust and rocks... but no one expected from way above inside the cave for a chuckle to resound out. Looking up in shock, the group saw Lio's prone unmoving body up on top of a rock while Alex stood at the tip top of the large pillar. "Sorry for interrupting your victory." her smirk widened as her eyes glowed bright pink, Two orbs of brilliant light appeared in her hand as she flexed them out. Raising up her hand, like she was cultivating the mass of light.

"But it's my turn!!" Bringing her hands forward, the light scattered in an array of bullets. The impact made small little droplits of light scatter across the cave. It started to roam about before it made its way towards the top of the pillar, just as Alex started to slide down towards the carnage she created. Her eyes never moving from the spot that she had hit, her eyes were shot and getting dryer as dust and smoke filled her vision. "W-Walus? Walus wake up!" A man started shaking the other who was downed, completely unconscious from the blast.

Some of the others had gotten away from the blast and now was shaking, some with their swords out, some were frantically clawing at dust that was probably their friends... "you- you DEMON!" The knight in front of them all shouted and rushed at Alex, who placed her finger into the daggers strap, pulled it up so fast, it spun around her hand and landed directly into a poised position, her hands were a wreck of bruises and scratches from her own ability, but her mind was not on that, only to deal with the threat that was in front of her. "Maybe I am." Her tear ducts started to bleed, her eyes started to shake in anticpation. "But I didn't stab someone in the back now did I?!" Vanishing she appeared behind the knight in a swift move, but the knight had anticipated it and brought his sword to block the daggers strike. "I may be different." pushing the sword back with the dagger, the man looked back in shock. "BUT I ONLY GIVE BACK THE HATE YOU SEND!"

She strained her arms as she pushed all the mana to her blade and it cut the blade in half, as it continued and sliced the mans eyes. The scream that blaired out of the knight was deafening, and all Alex had to do was smirk down at him. "Be blinded by your rage of others, you might as well have the whole package of no vision at all." Just as she was about to bring the dagger down though, the sorcerer who was unconscious, Walus was his name had shot a blast again towards Alex. The ball was slower then before, and easily predictable... Grabbing the daggers hilt, she sliced the ball in half, as it passed on either side of her. "I warned you all." Raising her hand up as a ball of light formed into her left hand. her taste buds started to fill with the taste of iron... before blood started to drip out of the corner of her mouth.

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