So an assassin walks into a bar...

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This is my first attack on titan story ,enjoy. PLease comment for ideas and such, or just to talk (i'm lonely.)

Levi walked into "O'Connor's" a run down bar with swinging blue sign. He sat down at his usual chair in the corner and ordered his usual drink. Levi came here at least 4 times a week, he always sat in the same chair and always got the same drink.

Hanji felt a buzzing underneath her, she slowly drifted out of sleep and felt a shark object sticking into her stomach. The object buzzed again. She rolled over  onto her back to see what the mysterious buzzing object was "crap" she said "I fell asleep on my phone again." She turned on her phone and was greeted with a string of texts begging her to come to the bar. These texts were from her very social friends, she however was not the most social person. After a long conversation she was finally convinced to go to a bar called O'Connor's

--Time skip brought to you by Spaghetti "Eat me, i am delicious" --

Hanji walked into the bar with her 3 friends. she didn't have time to go to bars or clubs much because of her job at "Sweet Beginnings" a coffee shop and bakery and taking collage science courses. They sat down at a small table nearish the back. Hanji had a strange feeling that she was being watched, but decided it was only her imaination. I mean, who would be watching her.. right. 

I hope you liked my 1st chapter, im making them a bit short so i can update alot. Thanks f

An assassin and a Biology major (LeviHan)Where stories live. Discover now