Dinner with strangers

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Levi's pov
I restrained from seeing Hanji that day, she had gone through a lot already. I had talked to my boss and told him that I had completed the job so i decided to get a drink.

As I stepped outside I could feel the winter air all around me, this made me have an idea. I texted the maid that was taking care of Hanji and went on my way.

Hanji's pov
When I heard the knock on my door I put my book down and said
"come in"
My caretaker came in with a tray of hot cocoa, marshmallows and held a pile of clothing
"Courtesy of Levi"
She laid down some clothes on the arm chairs and said
"These are for dinner at 7:00, now drink up before it gets cold"

She left and I went to look out the window. The snow fell in torrents. It was a blizzard out there. I looked around the rom and saw my swan dress and mask neatly laid on a chair. I went over and felt the feathery fabric.

I then went over to inspect the clothing for dinner. A beautiful purple dress, a black skirt with a flowing red top, and dark blue jeans with a white hoodie.

I opted for the later. I put my hair up into a messy bun per usual and checked the time. 5:30, I had some time so I grabbed an interesting looking book from the shelf and began to read.

Levi's pov.
I left the bar to go home and do some paper work before dinner. You wouldn't think it but being an assassin required a lot of paper work. Of course if you were a rouge assassin you wouldn't need to do any paper work. But alas I was part of the assassins guild, better jobs, more organized, and you made a name in the underworld.. Well if you were as good as me you did. I was a top ranking assassin, elite. I got the hardest and best paying jobs.

I sat down at my oak desk and pulled out a pile of paper from a file cabinet. After an hour or so I stopped finding my self to bored to continue. I put on my usual black suit for dinner. "Show time" I thought to my self and left the office.

Hanks pov
I walked down the stairs to see a magnificent dining room, a huge polished dining table and painted bus that deserved to be in a museum. My gawking was interrupted
"I'm glad you made it." I looked up at the raven haired man at the far end at the table. "Have a seat"
"Th,thanks" I stuttered and sat. I looked at the food, more then a feast then a dinner. The table was covered with pork, rice, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, sauces.

A butler poured me and Levi wine.
"Cheers" he says and took a deep sip of the ruby spirit, I tentatively followed. It was amazing. I piled food into my plate and started to ate. Levi just watched me, with those cunning eyes of his. Creepy.

"You don't talk much" he said
"I'm just a bit over whelmed" I responded and gestured around the room.

"I have that affect on people" he said with a smirk "I am Levi Ackerman and this is my home. You can stay here as long as you'd like. I have already taken care of your... Professor. He won't be showing up at your university again."

"Alright, you already seen to know a stunning amount shot me but your still a mystery"

"And" he said sharply "I prefer it that way"

"Geez, alright"

After a while his cell phone rang.

"I'm afraid I'll have to take the he said and left me with my thoughts.

Alright, what did you think. I've kinda been influenced by a book called a court of thorns and roses by Sarah. J. Mass (she also wrote the throne of glass series which I highly recommend)

M'kay bye

An assassin and a Biology major (LeviHan)Where stories live. Discover now