A Swan and a Raven

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Sorry i haven't updated for a while, I was at Yellow Stone National Park doing a horse riding trip through the wilderness and irking on an amv for my YouTube amv account @AnimePolarBear Alright, enjoy.

Both Hanji and Levi had been invited to the masquerade ball but for very different reasons.

Levi's Pov
I finished securing my secret arsenal of weapons hidden on my person. After I adjusted the blade lodged in to my boot I caught a glance of myself in my mirror.

Going as a golden raven I wore a finely tailored dark navy gold trimmed suit with navy boots with a golden sole and and black tie with a golden diamond shape at the end. The mask was absolutely stunning, it was covered in silky coal feathers except for the top left corner which was adorned with golden feathers longer than the black ones. The eyes were surrounded by golden lace that reached up by the top corners of the eyes giving it a sort of cunning. My outfit liked completely innocent, not a hint of the deadly weapons hidden under the silk. I loaded my sig sauer and stapes in into my belt.

Hanjis Pov
"Are you sure" I asked my friend Petra
"Yea totally, you look beautiful, your totally a swan" I turned around to my mirror inspecting my long white gown the rope covered in feathers end in a diagonal going across the dress.
"Isn't it a bit... Much" I asked
"This is a ball, that's the point" she replied

I picked up my mask to inspect it it was white silk with faded blue orbs under the eyes, feathers came down from the mask to silhouette the cheeks and at the top middle was a golden pendent which has bigger feathers erupting from it leaning back to shadow over my head... It was beautiful.

(Sorry for the long descriptions)

Levi's pov
I entered the limousine that waited for me in the front of my building and we drove off to the royal ball room. The girl that I had seen at the bar a couple nights ago kept on finding a way into my thoughts.

The drive went surprisingly quickly. I exited the car and tried to blend in as much as I could while wearing a feathered mask. The ballroom was stunning the curling was adorned with painting and there were 3 chandeliers, in the center people danced and by the sides others talked and laughed.

And then I saw her, it took me a moment because she wasn't wearing a hoodie but it was her... I knew it. God, she looked beautiful brown hair unbound and in a dress that would go in in a fairy tail. She turned her eyes and caught my gaze. After a moment I broke eye contact and searched for lord Balto.

I saw him dressed as a goose, he was very large and seemed to like his good and drink a little too much. Time to dance and mingle, see if I could get any information about the lord.

Hanjis pov
The ball room was beautiful and the food was delicious I talked with so many famous scientists who's works I studied. My teacher approached me swaying a bit. "Hey" he said, his words slurred "you look be *hick up* utifull tonight." He was very, very drunk
"Thanks" I said taking a step back
"Don't mention it"
"I'm gonna go talk to someone els" I said as I backed away.
Crosses averted

Levi's pov
I stepped into the next dance taking the hand of a robin with neck length hair and a knee length dress. I danced with peacocks and Hawks, birds of paradise and blue jays, collecting information as I went. A flash of white passed my eye, it was the swan.

Hanjis pov
After that horrid experience with my professor j thought it might be fun to dance. A golden raven bowed and asked "may I have this dance" I nodded taking in his outfit, elegant in a deadly sort of way.

We danced and danced until my feet hurt and my legs ached but I couldn't stop it was a natural and necessary as breathing. After a piece by Pyotr Llyich Tchaikovsky he bowed his head and walked away into the crowed. Exhausted I fell into a chair.

Levi's pov
"Damn it" I thought to my self I had lost track of time even I danced with the swan. Hours melted and felt like mere minutes. I ran to the room waiting for the lord to leave. I had set up a sniper a few day before so I wouldn't have to bring one and risk getting caught. The lord excited the building with a gorgeous dove under his arm. A prostitute most likely I thought. As he opened the door for the woman I aimed as he got into car just before he closed the door I shot him in the head twice, the first for the kill and the second just for good measure. His arm went limp the door closed behind him and they car drove off. A few seconds later I heard a lady scream from the car "good" I thought "that's done"

I stood up to leave but when I got to the side of the roof I stopped. There was a obviously drunk man who was cornering the swan.

Hanji's pov
I stepped backwards feeling a wall "crap" I thought
"Why do you look so worried" he asked my professors words slurred
I swallowed "this is just craptastick" I thought. He was so close, I looked for an escape. Nothing. But before he go any closer a black flash fell from the sky landed in front of me. He stood up brushing off his knees. "The raven" I thought relived. He took one look at the man and in a flash round house kicked his head. And the moment after that I fainted.

Levi's pov
I saw the swan or rather Hanoi Zoe crumple but I caught her just before she hit the ground. I walked to my car and lay her in the back seat and I drove to my house. I lay her on the bed on the fourth floor (the guest floor) and told the servants to keep an eye on her.

Hanji's pov
I woke up in a room beautiful furnished and decorated. The walls were a light orange adorned with reds and yellows and Browns. The room reminded me of autumn. I loved it. But where was I. A woman who seemed to be part of the staff said briskly "good, your finally awake. You were out for quit a while"
"Where am I" I asked
"Your at the manner of mr. Ackerman"
"WAS I KIDNAPPED" I yelled in alarm
"No" she assured me "rescued is the word"
It all came back to me the ball, the ally way, the raven.

Alright, his was that. The Kidnapping idea was from @ShippingCat .

I'm sorry I haven't been updating if been really busy.

I'm going to chille this week so I'll see if I can write, but I'll be mostly skiing and meeting famous skiers I AM SO EXCITED!!!! (I ski race so this is a really big thing for me)
M'kay bye

An assassin and a Biology major (LeviHan)Where stories live. Discover now