Passion's Aftermath

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I am back readers! I'm sorry for the *year long* hiatus. If you have suggestions, leave them in the comments! That way I can update more (and hear your opinions!)
~As always, thank you and enjoy!

Hanji's POV~
This one syllable summed up how I felt in this situation completely. This was convenient considering it was the only word that came into my head. (What can I say , the extent of my vocabulary sometimes even astounds me.) The kiss was over and now I was just standing here like complete idiot. "ughhhh, i kissed him." I thought "Hanji, you freakin idiot!" I could feel a lump forming in my throat as Levi coolly maintained eye contact even though my gaze began to retreated. Not to mention, my face was completely red. "Fuck"

Levi's POV
Every thing had gone so well. She was enjoying the outing, at least I thought she was. But after the kiss she shot back. Now she stood, just a few feet away, and I sat, looking at her, trying to figure her out. She was looking at me as if I had a loaded gun, I mean I did, but I had been carful to hide that. She pushed the heel of her boot into the ground and nervously clenched her toes.
Are you alright? Did I do something to offend you..." I trailed off, leaving her to reply.
"What, yea. I mean no, I mean, this way... is the way that i will be going to go now" as she spoke she became ever more flustered. She tried to sink into the backdrop of trees and grey buildings. She took a breath, closed her eyes and opened them again, composed her self, saying,
"I am going to go this way... bye." She turned her back and sped walked away, leaving me confused and alone. "What a strange girl" I thought to myself "what a wonderfully strange girl"

Hanjis POV
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (you get the point.) My legs were a freaking whirlwind, I could have out-walked a marathon runner as I made my shameful retreat from Levi. All the blood from the rest of my body had managed to accumulate in my face, making it redder than lobster. The part of my mind that was taking college courses at NYU knew this wasn't possible, because the my whole body, not only my head, needed a constant flow of blood to survive. Even though it left me useless and embarrassingly awkward, I wished I could have re-experienced the kiss. I would have given anything to relive the moment before when my face was just inches away from his, matching up perfectly in such close quarters. Or when our lips actually met for that split second before u screwed up actually everything. "Today is not a good day" I thought. "Although that kiss wasn't half bad... you just had to go fuck it up with your phenomenal social skills." I shoved my hands in my pockets, further berating myself about that distressing situation. I turned the corner and sunk to my knees... and promptly got rose when I saw an old friend approaching from across the street. Forgetting all about the embarrassing encounter I stood up to greet him.
"Hey mike!" I said, trying to be casual."How's things?"
"I have been fine." He replied "But you have been off the grid for about a month. Where have you been?"
"Oh, sorry" I said sheepishly " I was just staying with... a friend for a little while" It wasn't completely a lie but I didn't feel great about not telling the truth, at least not whole truth, to on of my closest friends.
Mike hesitated for just a second before speaking.
"Well, as long as you're alright" The tone in his voice rose slightly at the end of his reply, making it seem like a question. I could tell he wasn't satisfied with my answer and didn't believe either but for now he couldn't figure out what I was hiding.
"We've just been concerned, that's all" Mike finished, brushing of his worry.
"Well I am ok so there is no need to worry." I reassured him and switched topics quickly. "How is your new job working out?" Mike just got a job with the FBI he specializes in terrorism location, its pretty intense.
"It's nice" he said, never one to like to talk about himself.
"It must be so interesting and exciting"
"Not really, its mostly just screens and records. But that is part of the job."
"Wait, so do you have access to that giant computer database in all the movies where you can look up some ones name and all there info pops up?"
"Yea. Why?" He replied, confused. I wanted to check on a suspicion I had. Something that had been nagging me at Levi's house.
"Could you look up a name for me? It's no big deal if you can't" I tried to sound nonchalant.
Mike replied "I mean, I guess so. Who?" I had seen Levi's full name on a stack of letter addressed to him while at his house.
"Just this guy I went on a date with recently" I lied, "his name is Levi Ackerman, I like him but he seems kinda shifty. Could you check him for me?"
"Yea Levi Ackerman, no problem. I'll get back to you" he replied and then walked away. Mike never liked small talk. Just get out what you need to say and leave, that was his moto. I began to walk home and reflected on the events of the last few weeks, especially on what happened today.

Levi's POV
I watched Hanji as she quickly  stumbled away, muttering to herself. "What a strange, extradorinaiy girl." I though affectionately. Even after she turned the corner I sat there a gazed at the spot she had been, absorbed in my thoughts. I was so fixated on looking at and thinking about Hanji that when my phone rang abruptly I got darn spooked. Once snapped out of hypnosis I looked at the caller ID and answered the phone rather unenthusiastically.
     "Levi speaking" I droned in the most monotone voice I could muster.
      "You're off your game," A smug voice replied from the other side of the phone. "Usually you answer promptly after the first or second ring, never the 5th."
       "I am a busy person." I replied with clipped words. I had no interest in explaining or even mentioning Hanji to the person. My personal life is personal and should be left that way. Any way I didn't want Hanji to have any part in this world, my world. She could get hurt or even worse, killed, and I couldn't wake up each morning if I let that happen.
     "Well if your so busy, let's get on with it. I know you killed the target last time and you did spectacularly"
      "Stop" I said in a bland monotone "You're making me blush"
       "But he has friends and they are... well suspicious to say the least. I need you to..." I didn't respond. He awkwardly continued "ya know... take care of them. Can you handle a group?"
      "Yes, send me the location and the targets and I'll be golden" and I hung up. "Man I hate that guy." I thought to myself. My mind kept wandering to Hanji and our outing and I finally walked home.

Ending note:
Boy that was long. A bunch of people suggested I do New Years for this chapter but I think I'll use that in a later chapter.

As always thanks for reading and if you have anything to say leave it in the comments!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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