I Could Show

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He hasn't been watching for long, yet his eyes began to water at the sight of the badass mystic warrior, Michelangelo. He quickly wiped away the falling tears as the two holographic figures commenced in small banter.

"So just to make sure, this is just recording me, and nothing else?" Mikey teased Don, to which the purple turtle quickly defended themself(and their invention).

The discussion quickly became a debate on whether or not Donatello's invention had an ulterior motive. It was amusing, and he couldn't help but laugh at the banter between the two brothers, despite the world falling apart they still took the time to be a... well, to be a family.

Another figure entered the frame, Casey was almost taken aback by their appearance as he had no memory of what Raphael's future self looked like. The differences weren't drastic, taller, had more scars, and was missing an arm... That last one may have been drastic-

"What's going on here?" He watched as the holographic Raphael stood in between the two.

("His voice is deeper," Casey thought out loud.)

Mikey rolled his eyes at the red turtle while Donnie sighed, "I'm recording," the soft-shell began their explanation, "And our dear brother is overestimating my motives to do so," they scoffed while Mikey stuck his tongue out, playfully. 

"Is it for an experiment?" Raph questioned with his hands folded over his chest. 

"If you count me documenting our experiences as an 'experiment', then yes."

"YOU COULD'VE JUST SAID THAT," Mikey gave his brother a bewildered look.

"I was going to, but then you insulted my inventions as a whole," Donnie smirked their smug smirk, Mikey gave a dramatic sigh and turned to Raph, extending his arms out to gesture to Donatello. 

"Do you hear this guy?!"

Raph gave his two younger brothers a pat, "Donatello you should explain your actions before going into a debate, and Mikey, don't assume Don's 'p to no good," Orange and purple grumbled in agreement and soon the younger would cling onto his inventor brother. "I'm assuming you went to Mikey for introductions?"

"Your theory would be correct, this has been a very eventful first impression to my non-existent viewers, he scoffs."

"Hello~ I'm Hamato, Michelangelo, the youngest brother! My favorite hobby is drawing and doodling, I'm also known as the family cook!" He stuck his tongue out and did a peace sign with his open hand as his other arm was wrapped around Donatello's shoulder.  Donatello rolled their eyes, but a small smile formed on their lip at the younger brother's affection, "People also consider me the cutest!"

"THAT'S DEBATABLE," He heard a voice not present on the hologram shout, Casey's body froze at the sound.

Even from the distance, you could listen to the cockiness with hints of wanting to start a light-hearted brotherly banter. This was the Leonardo before the fall. His Leonardo.

Despite not having seen the younger version of his sensei (IT WAS HIS TIMELINE'S SENSEI, OH MY SHELL!) the teen could already feel his face grow warm, and with a small sniff, he pinched his arm. He didn't expect this type of reaction, but then again how else are you supposed to react to seeing a person long gone? 

Leonardo didn't join the frame, Casey creased the watch in a hopeless trance to try and find him. He wanted to call out for the turtle knowing he wouldn't answer, this was just a memory.

The events already played and he would never be able to interact with whatever happens within the hologram.

It surprised him how he still held out his hand to feel their touch again, just a high-five would've been nice. Nice. Yeah.

"Ignore him, Leo unwillingly got training duty with April today, he's been pouting the entire time," Raph laughed with his ever-so-soft smile. 

"That's an insult to my best friend," Donatello, who now reciprocated Mikey's affection, said with a blank expression. 

Mikey's face twisted in a look of betrayal, "I thought you said I was your best friend?"

"I can have two best friends, Angelo," Mikey smiled, content with his brother's response, and nuzzled further into his brother's embrace. 

Raph let out a sigh, "Leo isn't upset with being paired with April, he just wants to be more a part of the action with fighting Kraang..." He began to trail off at the end as he noticed the look on his younger brothers' faces. Casey recognized the look, it was something is was oh-so-familiar with. A shadow over their face as they winced at the mention of the brain-looking aliens that were invading the earth, "Sorry, I shouldn't h've said anything 'bout it," The snapping turtle was quick to apologize in a panic as he attempted to change the subject. "How about I introduce myself? I haven't done that yet!"

That seemed to bring the soft shell back to their senses and with a blink, the previous emotion was discarded and replaced by their normal blank face. Other than their iconic scowl, and the occasional look of pride, this was a look Casey was most familiar with. "Yeah, go ahead, big guy."

"Hello to who-" 

"It's whom."

"To WHOM ever may be watching this, I am Hamato, Raphael. The eldest and biggest turtle of the bunch, I try to support my team, and whoever I can! April says I'm a 'Certified Teddybear' so take that as you will," Raph gave a polite smile as he finished his introduction with a wave. "Now, I can tell you the people who aren't busy so you can scout them out, okay?"

"That. Would. Be." Donatello paused for a dramatic effect before their face lit up. "Muy perfecto!"

"Oh no, Leo's successfully influenced him," He heard Mikey whisper out loud in a joking manner, Don gave him a light glare. 

"Dad and other Dad are in the kitchen, Cass is in her room, Sunita is in the makeshift garden she's making," Raph paused for a moment to recall the other people he thought were video-worthy for the purple-themed turtle. "You might find some people like Hypno and Repo in the living room, a lot of people are just hanging around the area, while the rest are out scouting."

"Thank you for this information, dear brother," Donatello nodded their head as they finally let go of Mikey, much to the latter's disappointment. "I assume you both are busy with whatever before my interruption, so please, be on your way to your regular routines," He began to make his way to what Casey assumed to be the direction of the kitchen. 

"I'm free, so I'm gonna go with you!" Mikey smiled and skipped next to the softshell. Donatello didn't object, not like Don would reject their brother's offer regardless. 

Raph gave one final wave as his holographic image left the screen, "Don't miss lunch this time, Dee!" He heard the eldest brother call out, and a small smile made its way on Casey's face as he listened to Donatello's response.

"Don't worry I will!"

"Donnie!" Raph called out, but Donatello grabbed Mikey's arm and the two bolted down the hallway. The hologram was shaking to a concerning amount that it made Casey almost burst out laughing, despite the slightly blurry focus, Casey could see the large smile the pair wore.

The scene paused at the moment and the teen frowned his brows in confusion, this couldn't have been it, could it? Why so short? There had to be more, the time traveler tapped the side of the watch in an attempt to fix whatever caused to pause the video. What he didn't notice was the screen turning black only for a new scene to begin to play.

"Ah, Purple, Orange, what brings you here?"

Who are you guys looking forward to see? The next chapter is already in the making btw.

Word count; 1326

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