And Take You...

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Casey managed to pause the video, a lone small button on the left side of the watch. April hadn't said a word since she entered, and Junior was too nervous to speak; how would he explain this?

The future boy didn't consider the possibility of being caught when he initially discovered the video, although he was glad it was April rather than one of the turtles. Especially Donatello, since the videos so far were practically centered around the purpled-themed turtle, there was a chance they would ask questions about the hologram (maybe feel betrayed that Junior hadn't told them about the watch sooner).


Should he use they/them pronouns for this past version? I mean, Donatello here isn't out, so would it be disrespectful? Would it be considered misgendering or outing them?

Oh my shell, what about some of the other people?!?

There have been a lot of name and pronoun/gender changes within the past to his future. What if Casey accidentally pre-outs someone? That would be a total nightmare! Not like he's likely to see all his group's younger counterparts, but he couldn't help but panic at the thought—more like thoughts—but y'know!

Casey was brought back to reality by someone tapping their shoes; April was still in his room and waiting for him. He should just focus on that for now, definitely the best idea at the moment. He could worry about mixing up the future and present later, right now he just had to focus on April... And explain the situation she walked in on. 

"E-erm," He coughed out, not daring to look at April. His throat grew dry and words failed to make a coherent sentence, gibberish words escaped his mouth but he could only hear mumbles.

In this state, he didn't notice April come closer to him until she placed a hand on his shoulder. She offered a reassuring smile and squeezed his shoulder, Junior took in a deep breath, and suddenly the world no longer muffled.

"Are you okay?" The first words April spoke weren't about the device, but rather a concern for him. It helped ground Casey, realizing he panicked for nothing, the teenage boy's face grew red in embarrassment as he whispered a Sorry. "It's chill, CJ. You don't have to explain if you don't want to." 

April didn't leave any room for discussion as she patted Junior's back and left, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. While he now felt inclined to explain the watch—and ask for advice—Casey Jones now had time to collect his thoughts. Rehearse how he would explain it, and what questions she might ask (if she does).  Maybe he could learn some functions of the watch too! Or maybe he could go to April and ask for assistance? What if together they don't figure it out??? But there aren't a lot of buttons so that problem could easily be solved—

"You survived an apocalypse and your freaking out over a watch?" Casey groaned as he flopped onto his bed in distress. He was totally overthinking this. Junior rolled over so he could stare at the ceiling and pounder on his next move; he wanted to tell April of the watch, but to what extent? "Should I just show it to her? From the beginning?" He questioned aloud after some deep breaths. 

That seemed to be the right path in Casey's mind. Although it would require him to learn some of the gadget's functions, Junior was okay with that. As long as it didn't take long, or stress him out, Junior could figure it on in—He checked the clock, almost four in the afternoon—around thirty minutes to an hour, hopefully.

It would make good time cause April doesn't serve dinner till seven, and he planned to help her today. Master Michelangelo was right to teach him how to properly take deep breaths, it helped him in more cases than he can count!

A buzz erupts from his pocket, and quickly Junior reached down and grabbed the phone Donate... Donnie gave him, he turned it on to find the number of spam messages from the fearless leader.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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