What You Want to See

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The interaction was brief and short compared to the introduction prior. Not counting the rant Splinter gave regarding his younger years; Draxum was the person to cut him off, explaining they were meant to help with something else. He didn't explain the specifics and the turtles didn't push him to say anything more. 

There were few differences between the past, these future versions of his family, and his memories of them. Other than the fact they looked older, anddd Draxum's hair was purely white in the future--the Draxum in this video also seemed more open and close to the turtle siblings, which is shown as he pats the youngest. (And offers a smile to Donnie, knowing their distaste for touch).

 Splinter, on the other hand, looked drained, but filled with hope. He offered his sons a smile (only Mikey gave one back, but that's okay), and made a small joke about the situation. Not much has changed from his memories, not like he had many with his Master's father... Michelangelo was the first to bid farewell, and Donatello followed soon after. Their parental figures bid their adieu and exited the frame.

"Soooo," Mikey carried out the end with a playful smile, "Who next?" His face morphed into a nervous expression as he took note of his brother's evil stare, he slowly began to inch toward the exit before he would be an accomplice to his mad scientist brother's path of destruction. 

It failed. With a gleeful smile, the softshell turtle whisked their brother away. 

The lighting became darker for a short while as the two traveled under what Casey assumed was the building rubble that they used to disguise their hideout. He listened as Mikey hummed a tune to himself, forgetting the fearful feeling he had earlier, the watch began to fast forward the screen; while confused, Donatello's head come on screen as it wags its finger, the words "unimportant, gonna skip" in bubble letters next to it. Junior rolled his eyes before the figure disappeared within the blink of an eye. That sure was quick.

"Oh, aloha guys!" A voice perked up as they entered the frame. The person sat in the group, fresh dirt embroidered on her pants as she turned her upper body to face the newcomers. When she waved Casey immediately took notice of how dirty the person's hands were. After he began to observe the foreign background; the room was relatively open compared to others Casey was shown, and light streamed in but the world outside never came to view. He was taught of the dangers of rooms like these, however, they did have their uses.

The large beige stones of what used to be walls were brittle away, from time or other causes, and dead vines hung from cracks--both on the walls and ceilings. Broken slabs of concrete buried within the dirt mixed with debris, although only they were minor in comparison to the large slabs that were neatly placed to the side. Casey assumed the group took time to empty the area so Sunita could use the room for whatever she had planned. He could faintly see slightly chipped pots, both large and small, in the corner of the hologram; all with different designs, some with the standard. Watering cans sat nearby, all looking deprived of color with dirt coating the bottoms. It didn't take a genius to know what this room was for.

"Hey Sunny!" Mikey greeted Sunita with a large grin, and Donatello only gave a simple hello. The only difference between the past and this version of Sunita (outfit-wise) was that the one in the video wore overalls. Some other differences that don't include the outfit would be how the slime had longer hair--it being pulled back into a high ponytail--and she had visible scars on her human disguise. "How's the garden?"

Sunita thought for a moment before she responded, "Good so far! I just finished planting the strawberries!" She exclaimed with a smile.

"I love strawberries!" Mikey jumped joyfully, "Not as much as pizza though," he added.

"Strawberries aren't that bad, the seeds on the strawberries make it have an odd texture," Donatello shrugged as the other two laughed.

"Kendra and Jeremy helped me earlier today, so the garden will be finished a lot earlier than we thought," Sunita then explained to the turtle siblings, "They left a little before you came, actually!"

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