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As we walk through the place, I have some explosive potions in case I need to use them. When we go down one road, we see a bunch of walkers and they look our way when Rick curses. Grabbing an explosive, I throw it and a bunch of them blow up as I have Rick follow me to another route. I see a human as he waves to us, grabbing Rick's hand we go to him and he yells "Come on!"

Unlike Rick or this new human, I'm not as tired out. When some more walkers come by, Rick with a gun he still has starts to shoot them. I have Rick climb the latter before I jump and reach the railing just as the new human with black hair, asian features and looks to be in his early twenties stare at me shocked "How" he breathes deeply "How did you get up here so fast? How aren't you sweating?"

"Questions for later" waving my hand as I look down to the walkers "good thing I didn't take the truck, huh?"

"Nice moves there, Clint Eastwood" looking at me "Mysterious woman. You the new sheriff?" He asks Rick "come riding in to clean up the town with your lady?"

"No" I shake my head as Rick says "wasn't my intention"

"Yeah, whatever" he waves his hand "yeehaw, you two are dumbasses" Rick looks at me worried, I just have a blank look calm while they breathe deeply.

"I'm Phoenix" introducing myself to the new guy with my hand out, he takes it shaking it "this human is Rick"

"I'm Glen. Human?" The guy asks confused, we hear banging to look down to see the walkers figure out how to climb a latter.

"Come on" I say to them "the walkers might start to climb" I start to climb to the roof, once there I look down to see Glen and Rick still far behind as they climb. Humans.

After ten minutes, the two men get to the top and are panting. Glen looks at me confused and curious "How aren't you tired?" He asks

"Cause I'm not" leaning against the building "let's take a moment, you two need some rest" when I hear their hearts aren't beating as fast as it once was "let's go, which way Glen?"

"This way" he says, following him he looks at us every now and then "How aren't you tired?"

"Why did you help us?" Rick asks

"Call me an even bigger dumbass" he says when he opens a latch and tosses his backpack down it "but I'd do what I hope someone would do for me" when the two are done he asks "is she coming?" I jump down the hole, they stare at me as I land with ease "how"

He points from the roof to me "Let's go" I wave and Glen walks but I see him trying to figure out what I just did.

When we get to a stairwell, he says into a Walkie-Talkie "I'm back, got two guests. Plus four geeks in the alley" is that what they call walkers? When two of the walkers approach, I snap my fingers and their heads explode "Holy" Glen exclaims "she just...with a snap of her fingers" we see a door open and they motion us to run, we do and once inside a blonde woman with a gun shoved me to point it at me in anger.

I give her a bored look "You whore! We ought to kill you both!" Using my powers, I have her fly back and hit the wall before falling to the ground.

This group looks between me and the blonde shocked, she is helped up by a woman with mocha colored skin and short hair "How" Glen points to what I did "what"

"Do you want to tell them?" Rick asks me

Shrugging my shoulders as I cross my arms "Already broke too many laws—I'm a supernatural hybrid. Part cold one vampire and part witch" they are all silent as they stare at me, I can hear their fast heartbeats.

"You know" Glen gulps "if I didn't just see you basically fly up to a building and throat Andrea back like it was nothing with a flick of your wrist, I wouldn't believe you. I kind of still don't but given the situation"

"Doesn't matter" this Andrea stands up crying "these stupid assholes just got us killed"

"I don't understand" Rick says "why"

"When the walkers saw us" I tell Rick "the explosion? The grenade I threw?" Actually it was an explosive potion, but semantics "the noise caused most walkers to hear, so they went to it—walkers are like vampires where their hearing is enhanced but not as they went to the noise"

"Yeah" the man with dark skin, not as dark as the woman's agrees "now we're trapped"

"Can you" Rick looks at me "get us out of here?"

"Not without knowing how many walkers are out there" shaking my head "but even then I don't want to be using my magic up too much" aka, I don't want to waste my power on these humans "now, I've got you to humans...bye"

"Wait" he grabs my arm "please, help us" I look at him then to the others who are terrified.

"Fine" shaking my head "but we need to get back to my truck, this city is obviously not safe" we head gun shots then "what is that?"

"Oh no" Andrea groans "is that Dixon?" I follow behind the humans as they run to the roof, when I arrive I see a nut case white man with cropped hair and a rifle.

"You want something to tell me?" This T-Dog demands

"Hey, T-Dog" Moralas I think his name is says "just leave it"

"No" waving his hand

"All right?" Moralas asks "it ain't worth it. Now Merle, just relax"

"And who" he sees me whistling, eyeing me up and down with lust in his eyes "is this hottie?"

"Out of your league" I say leaning against the building, guys like him I hate.

He scowls before looking at T-Dog "You want to know the day?"

"Yeah" T-Dog confirms crossing his arms

"I'll tell you the day, Mr. 'Yo'" why do I feel like he is going to say something racist? "it's the day I take orders from a nigger" all hell breaks loose and people fight. Just as he points a hand gun in T-Dog's face, I use my powers and he looks around "Woah! What is this shit?"

"Seems" he looks my way "you need to be taught a lesson" everyone sees as I have him go over the building and land right on the street.

"Let me" Rick says "See, Merle things are different now. There are no niggers anymore, no dumb as shit inbred white trash fools either. Only dark meat and white meat. There's us and the dead, we survive this by pulling together"

"I don't think he's listening" I lower him to the ground and he screams. Bringing him back up "I don't put up with shit like what you pull Merle, now this is how it's going to go—you will be up here handcuffed so that you can't cause any damage to anyone as we find a way out"

Throwing him to the pipe where he groans in pain, Rick handcuffs him "Might not want to get on her bad side Andrea" Glen suggests to blondie.

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