Chapter 15

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Danil was running... running to warn his brother... to warn Lilian... he saw a gun pointing to their backs threatening to go off... and he wanted to run to protect them before they got hurt...

He heard the gun go off and saw blood... too much blood... his brother and Lilian on the ground...

Danil screamed...


Patrick has been expecting as much... he knew firsthand that close calls like the one Danil had with Lilian might stick with him and come back later as nightmares...

He felt Danil's breath grow faster... panting... and then he heard Danil's scream before he jerked awake and out of Patrick's arms...

"Darling? Danil? It's all a nightmare... you are safe... they are safe..."

Patrick's hand came to surround him but he pushed against it... he felt for his phone... a bit frantic.. and Patrick saw him call Lilian...

"Lily... Hey... are you guys ok? Is Ivan ok?"

"Baby bro? I am fine... Ivan is taking a dip in the pool... are you ok, my child... you sound a bit breathless... Are you hurt? give me that Patrick..."

He deflated visibly and sat back on the bed... Patrick let him defuse his thoughts freely...

"I am fine... Lily.. just wanted to make sure you guys are ok..."

"We are fine... Wait Ivan wants to talk to you..."

He heard shuffling... Lily mumbled something before giving Ivan the phone...

"Ivan ?"

"Brother? Are you ok? You sound out of breath... a bit frantic... is everything ok back there ?"

"Yeah... don't worry... just... just a bad thought..."

"Danil... We are fine.. actually, we are more worried about you... we could..."

"Please don't say come back. I am fine... please enjoy your time together... "

Ivan huffed, He was unconvinced and Danil knew it... his brother would give Patrick the third degree when he came back...

"Take care baby brother... "

Danil hung up and dropped the phone on the nightstand... his hands coming up to cup his own head... he heard shuffling... and Patrick sat on his knees in front of him... silently dropping a kiss on his head and waiting...

"Are they ok ?"

"Yeah... Yeah, they are..."

"Nightmare ?"

"yes... I freaked out a bit... don't worry..."

Patrick's hand caressed his own tenderly... a small touch he can focus on and get his breathing and heartbeat back under control...

He wanted something from Partick, The urge just to stop his brain from thinking was too great...

"I want to ask you for something..."

"Anything, Darling..."

"Can you... Can I... Can we..."

Patrick waited... his eyes shining with understanding but waiting all the same...

"I would love nothing more than to pleasure you... my love... but you are injured... so I have a couple of rules... if you insist on it.."

"Tell me..."

"You don't move your arm... you lie there and let me take that panic away... and you tell me... tell me if it is too much... too rough... you have to tell me..."

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