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Felix walked inside the school and got to class as he was almost late. As he got there he sat next to Wooyoung.

"Hey did you cry before you came here?"

"No just stuffed that's all..."

"Ok if you say so."

Felix then looked up at the screen so he could pay attention. Then someone poked his back. It was Nayeon. 

"Hey I'm sorry and I mean it I was hurt by Hyunjin to I know how it feels..I still love him to but you can't hide your feelings you been down lately and almost everyone is worried about you and everyone over heard your argument with Hyunjin and I'm sorry that he did this to you.."

"Nayeon it wasn't your fault and I know you think I can't trust you but I can I know how it feels now and I guess it wasn't really your fault that you were still in love with Hyunjin but let's put that in the past we are here now and everything is in good hands."

"Really but I betrayed you for my happiness and love for Hyunjin."

"I know I'd do the same to someone but sometimes it never right to ruin someone's happiness whether you like or not things never stay together."

"I guess your right but I promise that I won't hurt you anymore.."

"It okay Hyunjin did a little more damage than you did."

Felix then hugged Nayeon and smiled.

Then Nayeon returned the smile and looked back at the screen.

Hyunjin's pov 

Hyunjin was in the dorm doing his class there as they were on a call for there class since the teacher was out of town and she wanted to do it on the call.

Unnie was in the room also on class with Hyunjin. Hyunjin then spaced out as he always did when he was bored or not happy. No one can really tell when he spaces out.

"What if I never did that to Felix?" "What if I'm still in love with Felix?"

"Why do I miss him it's been 2 weeks after he left."

"I just want to cuddle him again and feel his warmth...."

"Was i to needy for cuddles?.."

"Why did I have to do that."

"I'm a dumb for doing that..."

"Maybe I was better off with him..."

"Hey baby what's on your mind?"


"I mean you been looking at the window for a while."

"Oh it just looks so beautiful that's all.."

"Ok well we have to get to our next class."

"Ok I'll be there."


Word count: 403

All my love / book twoWhere stories live. Discover now