Unless me..

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Felix looked at the tv he was happy that he company with Hyunjin. It was like they were still dating happy healthy relationship. Felix couldn't really understand why he cheated on him but whatever happened it wasn't his business. Hyunjin came out and told him that he was leaving. Felix nodded. The next day Felix got ready all he wore was a shirt along a white hoodie and jeans. He grabbed his bags and got to class. Where he sat in his seat. Felix zoomed out thinking about stuff then he started overthinking. Nayeon then came up to him. "Hey what are you up to?" "Not much..just getting used to being back." Nayeon nodded Felix got up getting out of class skipping the rest of class. He went to a secret hideout where him and Hyunjin used to go. It wasn't really a secret anymore to Unnie now that she goes there sometimes. Felix open the window in the classroom that was untouched. He then lit a cigarette smoking his feelings out. Somedays he feels numb but all that he could do was watch. Then he heard Unnie come in. "Hey I know your Hyunjin's ex.." "Yeah..what do you want?" "Just to smoke." Felix gave her a cigarette and they started smoking. "So how's life going for you?" "Shit..." "Really?" "Yep he broke me and sometimes I just wanna die but really I know that selfish." "It really isn't." "It is not living and just watch people miss me." "That all doesn't happen." "It does i can jump off of this right now but I don't know if I wanna.." "I know how that feels." "I don't think you do but you can explain." "I broke up with my boyfriend my ex boyfriend because he cheated to he broke me into thousands of peaces and I was numb no feelings I was going to take my own life but Hyunjin stopped me and that's how I meant Hyunjin..I fell in love instantly." "That funny but that won't happen so I think I should go now.." Felix threw his cigarette in the air. And left he then went to the bathroom and looked at himself. "Maybe It's better If I don't talk to him." 

Felix pov

I took a blade and went straight to my dorm until I bumped into Hyunjin. "Where have you been the teacher has been looking for you." In the process the blade fell out. He looked at it and was about to pick it up but I picked it up before he could then I left him. I heard him follow me. So I ran to the dorm. I put the pin in and closed the door. I then heard him bang on the door. "FELIX LET ME IN IM NOT LETTING YOU DO THIS!" He yelled. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself and took the blade and cut my wrist. I endured the pain of it. A tear fell down from my eye. I laughed at it then I cried having a breakdown. Then I turned on the water. I took my clothes on and stepped in the water. As it filled I closed my eyes and let my wound bleed. I then black out.

Hyunjin pov

I ran to Wooyoung for the pin. He gave it to me and I desperately put it in I ran upstairs where I heard water. I tried opening the door but I was locked. "Fuck why Felix!" "Please!" Ikicked the door and I saw him his eyes closed. I grabbed him out. "No why?!" "Felix why." I hugged his body that was cold. "Please I can never i-image a world without!" "Please don't leave me!" "Let me take you I'll make it right again!" I cried as I looked at him. "Hold on I n-need you...". "Please I don't wanna let go..I know I'm not that strong but I wanna hear you say you love me.." I felt his pulse and I knew I needed to take him to the hospital. I carried him to the car driving fast as ever to get him to the hospital. I got him there and they took him away on a table I had blood on my shirt. I was a mess..

Word count: 714

All my love / book twoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant