10. A Soulful Link

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Demons with deformed faces haunted Everett that night.

Those drawings sent cold chills down the back of his spine, and he couldn't stop thinking about how Rowena was the last person to see him that fateful day. When he asked her about it later that day, she wouldn't answer. Everett wasn't sure if she couldn't, much like her lips were sealed about the amulets, or if she just didn't want to.

Sinister sensations crept through his mind. Each time he gazed around his bedroom, he swore little shadows were out to get him.

Paranoia kept him wide-awake. He laid in his bed, trying to piece everything together. Was it possible that someone sent a demon after Rowena or himself? Perhaps that was what caused her to unleash her magic to protect herself? Why had he never known about her being an eyewitness to his kidnapping as a child? What a crazy fate that brought the two of them together at the library.

A gentle tapping came not upon his door, but at the windowpane. Everett rolled over on his side. Moonlight slithering in from the closed curtains as it came again, and curiosity urged him to steal a peek out into the night. Not before snatching his wand from his nightstand, conjuring a hexing spell just in case some wicked had come for him.

Everett yanked the curtains open. Only the night sky greeted him, and beyond, outstretched their backyard. Nobody was in sight. Perhaps a stray branch rapped against the window or his overwrought mind was creating illusions. If he weren't careful, he might go bonkers.

"Everett." The wind whispered his name.

Every nerve in his body froze like ice. Everett took a chance by opening the window, stretching his head out to the edge in shock at the sight before him. Kieran balanced himself on top of their roof, peeking down into each bedroom window. A smirk etched onto his crimson lips as he lowered himself down gracefully, cape fluttering behind him with the wind.

"Finally found you." Kieran broke into an amused grin. "May I come inside?"

"Of course."

Everett took an unsteady step back, placing his wand back on the nightstand, while Kieran slithered into his room like a mere snake. Allowing a vampire into one's home was very taboo, and surely his folks would stake him in the heart if they caught him, but Everett just wanted to see him again. Rules and laws be damned.

"What adorable sleepwear you have." Kieran chuckled, eyeing him with intrigue.

Little bats checkered his fleece gray pajamas. It brought a blush to his face for the vampire to see such silly sleepwear, but he was grateful for Kieran's presence. Everett hadn't a chance to even attempt to make himself presentable, with his hair messy from rest and he did not even bother to don his family's robes. It wasn't like Kieran cared about their family's honor and appearances.

All logic soared out into the night air when Everett threw his arms around Kieran, squeezing him tightly as if he could somehow chase away all the demons hiding in his life. Everything he'd learned only frightened him of what truly could be targeting him for looking into Rowena's murder. Things were a helluva lot more complicated than anyone knew.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Kieran's gentle voice soothed him as he felt his fingers comb through his tousled hair. "Everett?"

"I think they're trying to kill me again." Everett choked out, slowly releasing his grip from the vampire.

Before he could pull back, Kieran took his hand and interlaced their fingers together. He crouched down to his height. Nothing sinister hid behind such lovely crimson eyes that seemed to stare into his very soul.

"I won't let anyone kill you, okay? I promise." Kieran planted a kiss on his wrist. "I've not sensed anyone lurking outside your home or anywhere in your room, so you're safe."

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