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I just jerk up and I looked around my surroundings and I realized I was on my bed "how did I get here" I thought out loud my brain was tired and foggy and as soon as I remembered what had happened last night I ran out of the bed as soon as I could and kept wondering how did I get home and who got me and I needed answers and I remembered my head but funny enough I was not feeling any pain there, I rushed downstairs looking all around for my phone or anybody because I didn't think I would be home alone or did any of my friends stay with me, that Bastard Kenneth will pay in fact I will make sure that he goes to jail for the nonsense he did to me, I searched everywhere I didn't see anybody or any trace of any human in my house aside from me and worse I could not get or even see my phone. Just at that moment I saw my neighbor outside. I ran outside and went outside.

"Good day neighbor, please can I use your phone to make some call, I don't know where my phone is" I said pleadingly. But the greatest shock of my life he didn't answer me he just continued putting stuff inside his car.

"Neighbor are we quarreling? I asked out loud thinking maybe his wife had said something to him so he is now keeping malice with me "Neighbor see please I need your help please help me" he didn't even answer it was as if I wasn't there just then the wife came out and waved him bye then I rushed up to her "Neighbor please I need your help, lets clear out our differences, let me use your phone" she didn't say anything she just banged the door and went inside.

"whats going on why the harsh treatment OOOH MY GOD!" I screamed" did Kenneth snap me naked and distribute my nudes" I ran inside the house I changed my clothes took some money and dashed out of the house. It has been half an hour I have been trying to stop a cab but none of them was stopping I was so frustrated it was as if the whole world was against me. And the sun was blazing hard on me I had planned on getting a new phone and Sim card then going to Andrea's house but I didn't see any cab or anything to carry me how I wished my car was here. Just at that moment an old woman walked towards me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Where are you going to my child" she said

I eyed her queerly probably thinking she was a beggar "Mama am going to PEPPY plaza.

She shook her head "You don't know...

"Know what?" I asked curious my mind flipped "Abi has rapture come?

She laughed and said "rapture not for the world but probably for you, you cant go to peppy plaza anymore infact you cannot go anywhere anymore.

"eh? What is this one saying, see ma I have a rough day and am not ready for any parables can you excuse me I was calling for taxi or even keke napep

"Young lady you are dead, the dead and the living have nothing in common

I burst laughing "Dead keh! God forbid its you that is dead not me , please excuse me

She cackled "if you doubting it, how come you have been standing here for hours calling taxis and keke just not one have stopped for you, it's because they can't see you, the living can't see the dead.

I felt this stirring heat in my chest "it's not true, I am not dead if am dead how could I can see you and we can talk.

"Because I am a spirit just like yourself a wandering spirit just like you, the only reason you have not gone for judgment is that your soul is restless because you died a bad way.

I wheezed for breath " Not parents...My siblings...My friends ....oh my God NOOO!

She smirked " All that doesn't matter you won't take a dime with you when going to eternal life for spirits like us who had died sudden or had their lives snatched from them they are restless wandering around the earth until they rest in peace.

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