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We were at Kenneth's house he was in a heated argument with his fiancée, she had wanted to come inside the house but he blandly refused because my body was lying in his room but she had thought he had another woman in his room of course it was a woman but a dead one . after so much hassle she left and He left inside the house probably to get rid of the money.

Just then I saw myself in my parents room, my mom was seated on her bed and my younger sister was with her.

"Call thella for me! I have been trying to call her since I just didn't understand the kind of bad dream that I had.

"Mommy I have been calling her but she is not picking, although remembering she told me that she was going on a trip with her friends maybe its network, let me call Aunty Andrea.

"Please call her oo go and call your father

"what is going on! I have been calling Thella nonstop since they say her number was switched, haba na not now I will be so angry with her if she makes up stupid excuses not to go for this trip and its tomorrow" Andrea wailed.

"call her sister maybe she went home first maybe its network you know that their village self" Awele said.

At that moment Nella, Thella's younger sister called "hello Aunty ANDREA good afternoon please is my sister with you we have been calling her since but her line was switched off so I decided to call because she told me about you guys going on a trip"

Andrea and Awele exchanged glances because the phone was on speaker mode " I was about to call you to ask if she is in the village, since two days now she has not been picking her call, we have gone everywhere her neighbors have not seen her so we thought she had travelled.

"No ma, she is not here.or did she go somewhere and didn't inform anybody" Nella asked.

The car trudged down the lowly path that night and packed at a corner, the driver was dressed in black, and was wearing a white nose mask, he scanned the area to see if anybody was around but there was none so he opened the trunk of the car and carried out the baggage and dumped it by the side of the lonely path and drove off.

It didn't take long my friends had filed a missing report and investigations was going on when Andrea was asked to come and identify a body. The body was found by some children who were looking discarded items to sell.

As soon as the news got to my family my mom collapsed immediately, I had cried as much as I can cry even my friends was so inconsolable . the investigation into my death was ruled out as homicide with the gnash on my skull, they had ruled with the testimony of my workers at the restaurant who had seen me leaving so they classified it that I had entered into the hands of robbers and maybe they had beaten me to death and I slowly regretted why I didn't put a SURVILLANCE camera outside and the other side of the restaurant, I wanted to but I was scared that it could be stolen since it was outside.

Maria my ghost friend was there with me the day my body was shown to my parents my mother had insisted that she see my body to be sure. In the mortuary my leg tag was 93 . I was lying down on the metal table unmoving, my face had swollen and about decomposing. My mom who was assisted by my sister was crying before the mortician then signaled that they should leave

Next tomorrow I will be finally put to rest "I told Maria as we walked in between worlds unknown humans.

She nodded "I guess it's goodbye then.

"I don't think so, Kenneth has to pay for this, and I just found out that I wasn't the first girl he had did this to but the other girl was alive but I dated him for years and he didn't for one day try such with me

"People change probably he is into drugs because no normal human will ever do that to you. if you want revenge it's not that hard but trust you might end up well

"I just want to torment him so that he will confess that's all

I appeared in Kenneth's house, in the sitting room he and his fiancée was locked kissing and romance.

"the woman you murdered is lying cold in the mortuary, here you are frolicking with another woman" I screamed in anger and suddenly the frame on the wall fell down and shattered. They pulled apart and was afraid.

"whats that!

"maybe its breeze!" Kenneth replied.

"Breeze! I will show you breeze, "I opened the door and kept banging it open.

"Blood of Jesus!

I had finished tormenting Kenneth that day when someone called me in a dream it was andrea she was dreaming of me.

""hello Andrea" I smiled at her in tears.

"Thella don't stand thre come here what are you doing here, come home your mommy misses you we miss you.

"Don't cross oo

She squeezed her face " I will cross its not you that will tell me what to do

I smiled despite my tears Andrea and her mouth even in her dream her bad mouth still dey

"Wake up Andrea Jason is crying go and attend to him, thank you for being a very good friend to me.

She frowned her face. Just then physically I was seated on her dressing table when she jerked up from sleep and her husband with sleepy eyes asked "what is it honey'

"I sawThella in my dream" she started crying and her husband consoled her.

"why didn't you tell your friend who your killer was?

"Even if I did, with what proof? Will she tell the police that it was a just a mere dream,no one will believe her! I will frustrate Kenneth to confess, he and his stupid fiancée wants to leave the country.


I tormented Kenneth through his dreams and he confessed his crimes and was taken into custody and charged with ten years for manslaughter and rape. Nnenna left him. Maria's nephew still confessed on his death bed before dying.

I was buried peacefully and was so afraid of where I was going after eternity because I knowi didn't leave a good life. Maria reassured me that hopefully some day we might see depending on where I went to. As I finally took a bow out of the human world to cross over to the queue to await judgment. Gradually I started losing my earthly memiories and I walked down .


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