#3 Annabeth

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Hey guys I've got great news I've made an upload schedule, I'll post a new chapter 3 times a week on Saturday, Monday and Thursday! Anyways sorry if this chapter was a little lazy I wasn't sure what to write. Enjoy 


We've finally made it safe on the ground and at the airport.

Percy, being the seaweed brain he is was sulking and crying on my shoulder the entire 23 hour journey scared that Zeus would strike us out the sky. I doubt Poseidon would ever let him get away with that.

Percy's cousin Zac was supposed to meet us here like, 5 minutes ago...

Ah! That must be him then.

A boy with Dark brown hair and quite a muscular build approached us.

"Hey I'm Zac, you must be Paul, Sally, Percy and annabeth, then?"

Paul's face softened, "Yeah it's so good to finally see you again!"

We awkwardly stood in silence for about two minutes until Sally broke the silence,

"So um what's the plan then, will we meet up with your parents first or will we go to our house and they'll meet us there?"

Zac explained how they were gonna go to his house first and then we can unpack and go to our house.

Dr Blakey is almost identical to Paul, I didn't know what I expected honestly I mean they are twins I just didn't expect them to be the spitting images of each other.

Zacs parents were really nice, his mom showed us old baby pictures of Zac and all about how he met his girlfriend Evie while Paul and dr blakey were in the other room catching up. Zac was clearly embarrassed by his mother he probably just wanted us to go home so he could meet up with his friends.

We were about to leave when there came a knock on the door.

"Zac are you in there?!"

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