#5 Percy

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Okay Paul told me the house was gonna be big but I didn't expect it to have a freaking pool in the yard! Not only that but it's literally right next to the ocean so I can go for a swim whenever I want.

The house itself has two floors, annabeths bedroom is right next to mine. I wanted us to share the same room to which both mom and Paul said HADES NO in sync.

Like I promised mom and annabeth I then went straight to bed...

I woke up at 5:00 am.

I quickly grabbed some breakfast and went outside to go for a swim. The sun hadn't rose yet. I should've told someone before I decided to go out I go missing all the time I'm sure they'll not get too worried.

I wonder if the fish here speak In Australian accents?!

I dived in to be surprised to see there was literally no fish crouding around me at all. Usually I can't get free there's too many fish surrounding me. I'm like a fish Jesus, but here it was so quiet almost empty.

I swim out to find a really pretty coral reef, this must be where all the fish are. It's so pretty and we seem to be out near an island.

A fish swims in front of me I don't know what to expect

"Oyy you there how you doin that"

Doing what, I ask him confused, he has a strong Australian accent.

"Ye know breathing underwater?"

I replied saying I was the son of Poseidon and was surprised he didn't know.

"No such thing"

"No such thing as what? Poseidon?!"

"Yeah gods ain't real"

"He literally created you, how come you don't know"

"I just refuse to believe in all that stuff, I'm an atheist"

An atheist fish?! Now I really have heard everything.

"Why are you Australians like this"


What's the difference? I ask myself as he swims away.

I'm about to go back home when I see a girl. She has curly blonde hair and a long orange tail?

A mermaid? Here!

I've only ever seen mermaids in my father's palace and they look nothing like this one.

I hide behind a rock and see more going into this cave I hadn't noticed before and the last one. He had a shiny blue tail, I'm probably just imagining it but he looks suspiciously similar to my cousin.

I'm probably just imagining it tho. I couldn't make out his face clear enough.

I double check to see if there's any more and I swim home.

I'll explore later.

pjo meets mako mermaidsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin