#8 Percy

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"Are you two coming or not!" Paul shouts from downstairs.

We're going to get a tour around the school before it starts next week. Paul's already met up with the principal, Rita santos and after much persuasion due to my previous track record of getting kicked out of school she agreed to take me and Annabeth in for a tour today.

Suncoast high was exactly what I expected, it's just an advantage high school.

We waited outside principal Santos office and she greeted us and shook Paul's hand.

"Mr blofis I'm so glad you actually came, this must be your stepson Percy and annabeth" she seems nice but principles scare the shit out of me.

"I have heard a lot of things about you both good and bad"

I start sweating nevously, principal santos could tell I was worried and changed the subject as we walked around the school.

"So what sort of stuff are you interested in?"

Suddenly I'm not as nervous anymore, I started to tell her all about the ocean, and how I find sword fighting really cool. Of course I'd never dare to actually tell her that I have my own sword which I use to fight off monsters from mythology and having Lead two wars but she seemed really interested. She looked although she already knew everything I told her about the ocean which was weird because the stuff I was telling her was stuff only people who had experienced themselves knew about.

She then asked Annabeth about what she liked. Annabeth could go on and on for hours about her love for architecture. It goes beyond a special interest for her, it's important to her that she has something that she enjoys so being smart and being my girlfriend isn't the only thing she's thought of as. She's so incredibly passionate about it, it's mesmerising to listen to. She redesigned the entirety of Olympus all by herself.

"So do you wish to be an architect once you leave school"

"YES it's my dream" Annie replies excitedly.

"now you know so much about us why don't you tell us a bit about yourself" I ask her. She's panicked, I feel bad for putting her on the spot.

"Well um I have a cat called possidon..." that made me and annabeth laugh, the thought of someone naming their pet after my father.

"Is something wrong about that" she asks confused why we're laughing, Paul gives me a look.

"Oh it's nothing"

"Ok good" she smiles, "anyway it was lovely to meet you both but you should really ought to be going now"

"See you on Monday, Paul says as we walk back home.

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