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On the last day of winter, Naruto was informed that Mayumi was sent to the hospital immediately due to a sudden collapse from getting up from her bed, and laid in the middle of her room unconscious.

It was such shocking news to hear how he stopped everything he was doing and darted out of his house and then down streets to the hospital. And before he can barge through the door to Mayumi's room, Naruto looked through the window and see her resting on her bed with an oxygen mask over her. She looked like an experiment in there.

It crushed him to see her like that; motionless, pale, under a machine... She looked like she was about to die.

Naruto fisted the wall as his noggin pressed against it. No one around the hospital didn't notice him, but tears were falling from his calm eyes to the tiled floor. He managed to hold in the sobs within him but the expressive sadness couldn't stop - not as big as his heart.

Doctors told him that Mayumi will be unconscious for who knows how long. If she wakes up, then they can assume that she is able to live for the next few months.

Naruto prays for that to happen. He wants that more than anything in the world for Mayumi's sake.

"Naruto," a voice called him. The blonde looked up from his seat as a pink headed girl approached with Sasuke following behind. "Are you ready to go home?"

He must've been thinking too much again, pondering about Mayumi while he sits in class and doing nothing. But he remembered what she said to him on the lake.

Twitching a smile, Naruto began to get up with his backpack on his shoulder. "Yeah, let's go," he muttered. As he was making way out of the classroom, Sakura and Sasuke stared behind him with concern faces and then looked at each other.

It has been a few days after Mayumi's hospitalization, and they thought Naruto would express more than he should. After realizing her absences from school, they now know that she's approaching her end. And they wonder how Naruto's going through with it.

"You guys want to get some tea on the way?" The blonde turned to them as they walked out of the front entrance. Both of his friends were surprised by his idea, and then momentarily they nodded at him. "U-Um... Sure," Sakura answered with an unsure smile and Naruto returned it, leading the way.

Then he was in a daze again while walking, not talking or making eye contacts with them. There was nothing but Mayumi on his mind, worried and depressed.

"Anything about Mayu, yet?" Sasuke asked. It caused Naruto to stop dead in his tracks, processing the name through his ears and then turned with a calm composure. "No, not really," he said flatly. They didn't know why but he almost looked less expressive. "We're here."

They stopped at a small shop in the middle of town and entered through the wafted, sweet smell of pastries. Seated by the window, they watched as a small, petite woman coming by their table with a pen and notepad. "Anything you three want?"

"I would like to have a strawberry sundae and ginger tea to drink, please," the pinkette ordered.

The woman scribbled in her notepad and looked at Sasuke. "A rice cake and a hazelnut coffee." Before Naruto can decide on his choice of food, he looked down at the dessert menu and grimaced. There was one certain word that threw his mind away immediately.

Crepes... He almost made a disturbed face and pushed the menu away from him.

"A slice mango cake and flower nectar tea," he mumbled sadly. Nodding, the waitress gathered their menus and took off with a bow. Both Sakura and Sasuke couldn't help but to notice the bothered face Naruto's making as he propped his elbow up and leaned his cheek on his hand carelessly.

He certainly doesn't look motivated at all.

"Is... Something wrong?" Naruto looked at the girl sitting in front of him with wondering eyes. By her question, he sat up straight. "Of course not," he smiled gently. This made Sakura feel torn by the sight, although smiles are supposed to make other people feel better. Yet Naruto's smile is very lingering. "Why would you ask that?"

"Well... Because Mayumi is not here," she said then her jaded eyes lowered in worry. "I mean, will you be okay? Considering what will happen to her."

Will he be okay? That's the question he's been telling himself also. In fact, he's not too sure himself.

Looking down, Naruto frowned deeply as their orders have finally arrived at their table, staring down at his hot, steamy tea. "I think I will."


That night, Naruto couldn't hold the tears much longer as he stood behind his close door to his room. He was panting as if he's been running, but technically he's been panting because of his emotions are building up.

Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, Naruto never felt so angry and devastated. Now he can finally grieve with no one surrounding him.

Mayu...! Why did this happen?

It was a sad lonely night that only Naruto will know. His friends might have already assumed hoe much he's going through, but they can never imagine how he feels. His love might be lost, and he doesn't know how to handle it.

That's how he gets through his days now. Trying to look strong in front of everybody, but once he's in his personal space, he loses it by mourning.

I want you to live your life the way you're supposed to.

It was like Naruto have already forgotten how he's supposed to live his life, the life before he met Mayumi once again.

"Naruto! Want to share this awesome bento with me?" Kiba asked with a large lunch box in his hands. "I guess my mom thought I have hell week, but apparently I don't. So I have all this food if you're hungry." Naruto looked at him curiously and then at the packed lunch, probably asking himself why would he share lunch with him.

Of course... Everyone is giving their pity.

"It's alright, Kiba! I already have my own lunch with me," he waved. Sticking a toasted pot sticker in his mouth, the brunette shrugged. "Suit yourself!" Naruto almost chuckled.

Looking out to his window now, Naruto watched the spring floats the air. The snow melted quickly and been replaced with soft petals scattering the ground. The warm scenery moved as pink cherry blossom leaves danced in the air.

So this is spring... Naruto thought, sighing. If only...

"Naruto!" Startled by the voice, his blue orbs trailed to the pink headed girl standing a few feet away from him, but she wasn't looking at him. He saw that her eyes were glued at the front door of the classroom, shocked and amazed. So this captured his attention as his face equally matched Sakura's, moving his eyes to where she's looking.

His heart stopped as an overwhelmed joy came erupting in his chest. With frozen eyes and parted mouth, Naruto couldn't believe it himself. It almost felt déjà vu.

Then chuckling by the sight, he grinned happily as a certain name escapes from his lips for the first time in a while. "Mayu..."

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