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"Watch out!"

The car reaved pass them as Naruto pounced the blue headed girl out of the road, causing them to stir and roll into the pile of snow on the side of the street. Their bags were tossed beside their bodies as the busy crowd continued on with their own agenda after witnessing the two in one piece.

Naruto panted, looking down at Mayumi who stared wondrously at his deep blue eyes with a blank expression. Even he felt surprised himself, jumping on her to prevent herself from wheeling into the hospital. The two were mesmerized with each other's actions, they didn't even notice the closed space in between them.

Until the blond snapped back to reality, looking at the blue girl's state who stayed motionless. He panicked, "Are you alright?!"

Then she blinked, hearing his voice brought her back.

"You're not hurt, are you?" Helping her stand, Naruto checked around her to find anywhere that looked improper. Mayumi didn't answer as her icy blue eyes watched him pat the excess snow off of her.

After he was done, a wide grin stretched on his lips. "You seem fine to me. Luckily, I was there to get you." He didn't notice her silence, still grinning and trying to enlighten up the mood. "Mayumi, right? My name is Naruto. You're in the same class as me."

"Why?" Then Naruto's face expression falters, finally hearing her voice tremble. "Why did you do that?" He couldn't see her eyes when he looked down at her face, although he can detect the fear and anger rising in her tone.

"Huh?" His blond brow arched. Then suddenly, Mayumi gives him a hard, sad stare with eyes overwhelmed with tears. This caused Naruto to feel his heart drop.

"Why did you save me?!" She shouted as tears started to flow through her lashes. "I was... I was ready... How can you just do that to me? ...How could you?"

Gazing down at her in bewilderment, Naruto was in shock to hear that sort of reaction from her, sobbing and yelling at him as if he's done something wrong. Does that mean, running into the streets, is on purpose?

It was until he realized that she made it seem like it was his fault for making her feel this sad.

"Hey, I..." He couldn't find the right words to say. Saying sorry? It was a mistake? It didn't seem right.

"Forget it!" Then he watched the little blunette girl storm away from him with a spat, taking off on the side walk until he can longer find her at the end of the road. She left him all surprised, but must of all, confused.

What... What just happened?

He was expecting to be the hero of the day for saving his classmate's life, expecting her to hug him, thanking him for saving her. But yet, this is how she repaid him.

How can anybody be so upset about that? Naruto never seen someone so hurt and miserable, just by saving them from a car accident. But there's something in the back of his mind tells him that she wanted it to happen. And he intruded.


"Naruto, do you believe in miracles?"

A little doe eyed blond blinked as he stopped abruptly back and forth on the swing. Naruto stared at the little child right beside him on the same swing set. Her baby blue bangs covered her face as her body stayed still. The girl looked somewhat sad when asking that.

He hummed gently as his childish mind didn't object. "Of course I do," he smiled but then his smile faltered when the little girl didn't smile with him. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Her tiny hands gripped onto the cold metal chains as the season of winter fell over their heads. She shook her head, but still didn't lift her spirit up. Naruto looked concern about his friend's behavior, his mind became absentminded.

His small hand reached out to his side, towards at the blue headed girl who turned her attention on him, puzzled. "Miracles do happen! Don't worry," he gave a reassuring smile, and this time his voice called out to her. Smiling gently, she grabbed his hand while they kicked on the chilly swing set.


The day broke out, as the sun weakly radiated the morning by its sunlight. An older Naruto, in his teen years, walked casually down the street of his neighborhood. The snow crunched beneath his feet as the cold air froze his face.

His chin buried deeper in his red wool scarf, placing his hand over his head. That was a strange dream...

A dream it was. Just a random segment from his foggy childhood which he doesn't remember at all. He blamed the bad tofu he ate last night. Either that, or he couldn't get yesterday's incident out of his head.

"Why did you save me?!"

That kept playing over and over again, and Naruto couldn't even understand why Mayumi would be so angry. For stopping her? It sounds too ridiculous.

The only explanation is she doesn't want to be saved.

"Naruto!" The blond widen his eyes, making a groggy noise as he made his way towards an angry Sakura. Her lips press together and her hands clamped on her hips in a disciplinary manner. "You're late!"

Naruto blinked the sleepiness from his tired eyes, groaning slightly. "Sorry," he grinned happily, now walking beside his pink friend to school. "I guess I stayed up late again, doing my homework." ...Or perhaps his dream might've caused him to be overwhelmed.

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