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Naruto was just walking straight to school until two bodies joined him by the front gates. He yawned loudly as the three of them entered through the campus in finding their shoes and lockers.

"Naruto! You weren't picking up the phone again," Sakura scolded firmly as she gave an annoyed glare at the blond.

He looked curiously at her, surprised that she called him as if she ever calls. "Really?"

"For studying," she added, emphasizing her reason for doing such a thing. In all hopes, Naruto expects her to call to take on that ramen date. What else does he expect from her?

"Oh..." His shoulders slumped and he swore he can feel an upcoming, humorous smirk reaching on the Uchiha's face, taking in all the joy by the situation.

Once they quickly exchange their outdoor shoes for their white school ones, the three didn't waste no time in getting to class early. Naruto yawns again, this time his eyes starting to tear and his vision blur by the absorption.

Mornings. They never appealed to Naruto anyways. It's another way of cutting off precious sleep just to waste more energy on boring lectures. At the least, that's how he sees it.

When turning to a sharp turn to enter through the classroom, a light shove hit against the blond's strong arm causing him to halt by the sudden impact.

His azure eyes opened, concern and worry washed over his tanned face. "Whoa... Sorry about that. I didn't know where I was going."

But then his voice stopped when his blue orbs came in contact with darker blue ones. Naruto blinked.

It's the girl, from outside the window.

He couldn't help but to notice the lost souls left from her pupils, looking a bit emotionless and unfortunate by the pale expression she makes. It all seems so strange, to bump into her like this in the same school uniform as them.

Immediately, he hears a small, tiny voice rings through his ears.

"Naruto!" It sounded happy and gleeful, like it was calling for him but it faded away before he can remember it.

"Um... Sorry," Naruto said again but the girl only glanced at him for a second and then turned away. She headed towards the classroom without a respond.

How strange.

"Hey, wasn't that..." Sakura trailed, staring at the back of the girl's head once she walked in.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"I guess she does go to this school," she finishes, now following Sasuke who just entered through the room regardless what they were talking about.

Naruto sat improperly in his chair when class session started; Kakashi lecturing as many people other slept or paid attention to the lessons. The blond boy would follow along but his azure eyes kept wondering to the blue headed girl sitting a few seats in front of him, staring hard at her head and thinking aimlessly.

She seems familiar...

Then his thoughts were interrupted once the classroom door opened, and a man appeared by the frame; their principal. Everyone sat up straight by the sight of him and gives him their attention, looking appropriate and sophisticated.

"Mayumi Chinatsu," he called, motioning for her to stand up. "A word, please."

Naruto's eyes averted back to her motionless form, sitting for a few seconds before slowly straightening herself. From the angle where he sat, he saw a disappointed look from her image, but still expressionless. A few whispers illuminated the room.

She's leaving already?

He watched the blue girl take her leave from the room, her bag hoisted on her shoulders and trudged slowly to where the principal stood. The door closes.

Instead of converting back to the normal atmosphere in the classroom, Naruto wondered why she left so soon after a few minutes of sitting down.


It was already after school. The final school bell rang through out campus and every student evacuated out of the buildings. The snow fell over their heads as their ears met the cold, breezy air when they walked out.

Naruto walked to the front gates with powdery snow crunching underneath his feet. He stood by the stop sign, trying to figure a way to get home.

"Hey!" He turned as a voice erupted the silence of fast cars. Once his body stopped, his eyes saw a bouncing white haired guy making his way towards him. Suigetsu waved.

"What's up!" Naruto beamed, waving back at him. "Leaving so soon? The guys were thinking of having barbecue on their way home. Wanna come with?"

After thinking about the idea, although it sounds fun and all, he shook his head and declined the offer. "Thanks but I think I'm gunna head home," he said reasonably, and then grinned while patting his pants. "Plus, I'm kinda broke."

Suigetsu frowned at him, narrowing his eyes. "You always don't have money yet you always go with us for something," he implied but Naruto scratched his head.

"It's fine! I'll ask my parents for my monthly allowance, and I'll probably go with you guys," smiling, he placed his hands on his hips proudly. Suigetsu nodded.

"Suit yourself," he waved and walked the opposite direction where Naruto was heading. After a few minutes, making sure he's fully out of sight, the blond teenager forms a thin line on his lips.

Too bad, I am feeling a bit hungry... He thought to himself, sighing loudly. Smiling again, Naruto made his way across the street and head home as the season fell over his head. Watching little clouds blow from his lips, he turned to the main street and found himself in a busy crosswalk filled with many people standing beside him.

His eyes perked, his gaze following a bright blue head in the middle of the crowd with her feet a little too close on the curb. His brow lifted in wonder.

Mayumi. That's her name.

His mind went blank when he hears sudden cars honking from a far and a few screeches sliding on the pavement. Flinching, Naruto's eyes widen as he sees the girl flinging out of the sidewalk and sprinting across the street.

What the-?!

Everything around him grew silent, death from the incoming gasps and emerging vehicles. He gaped widely. His insides churned and his legs moved on its own, immediately went straight towards her.

Naruto instinctively chased her small body on the street as they found themselves a heart beat away from the car.

"Watch out!"

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