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It's been a couple of days since Naruto last seen Mayumi at the crepe shop. It has been the most boring and un-motivating feeling he's ever experienced, perhaps the most infuriating. There has never been a person he met before who's so isolated and hard to deal with; other than Sasuke. But these kinds of people, Naruto would normally just forget about and move on, and find other things that are fun.

Somehow Mayumi makes him think, daydream, and figure things out. She is a puzzle to him, trying to understand her and establish a reasonable explanation about her behavior. Even though they spent so little time with each other, it was already enough for Naruto to be wanting more of her.

"Yoo-hoo... Naruto!" He flinched by Sakura's perky voice invading his personal bubble. Once he looked away from the window, both her and Sasuke stood in front of his desk.

"What?" He questioned.

"It's time for lunch, you moron," complimented Sasuke.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" Sakura mentioned, bending a bit forward to stare into Naruto's face. "You've been... not yourself lately."

For a second longer, he looked back into the pinkette's wondering eyes but then momentarily, the corner of his lips stretched. He grinned. "What are you talking about? I'm fine!"

"Are you sure?" She sang. This time the pause felt a bit longer than before as her green orbs searched his face like x-rays. This made him feel uncomfortable.

"Duh, of course," he answered, finally standing up to change the subject and the mood in the air. "Alright! Let's get some food."

"Took you long enough," Sasuke murmured. A smiling Sakura stood beside him as they casually headed out of the classroom, waiting for the blond to catch up. When Naruto was packing up his belongings, he took another side glance out the window before leaving.

She's not there again.


Naruto thought about the last time he saw Mayumi all evening. The way she looked so upset, angry, and confused, above all she was just lost and unsure.

She really did want to push him away, for a good reason he thought but he doesn't know why.

When the final bell rang, Naruto declined all the offers to hang out today and walked home like usual. The cold season is strong, bringing upon the breezy air and white snow layering over town.

Naruto didn't hesitate to wander around and find the particular blue headed girl sitting around somewhere. All he can think of her last voice; that they can't ever be friends.

A person, like Naruto, would never give up on someone, especially to someone who is a bit cold hearted and alone like Mayumi. He doesn't believe that she's a bad person, but a good girl with a rough background. And that's something Naruto can't let go of.

She can't get rid of him that easily.

So he came across the playground where he used to see her by the swing sets, but he didn't see Mayumi sitting there waiting for him.

Searching for her quickly before exiting the park, Naruto still walked around town nearby stores and shops where he used to walk with her the other day. And then he sees the familiar crepe shop where they bought their tasty pastries.

When he was about to walk towards it, his eye caught a blue headed girl coming out with a cone of cream and strawberries in her hand. But this made Naruto feel a twinge of excitement in him once he saw her. Of course she would be here.

Before he can approach her, he sees Mayumi blindly walking and trying to eat her crepe at the same time. Suddenly she wasn't aware of her surroundings as she collided against someone's back and smeared her dessert against the person's jacket.

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