yOu cAn'T fUcKiNg fOoL mE!

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Oh what? I have a story to finish??? I've started it and now I'm not allowed to stop???
NOOOOOO!!! The agOny of responsibility!!

Anyway Ron Molan? Alfred Pennyworth?Same person you cAnt fool mE!

Alfy: 😊


Both: Stubborn young masters we watch over huh?

Alfy: *knows how to use a gun* *probably has like over 50 hidden all over the manor* *will fucking shoot you* * the only person that bosses around -scares- Batsy and the batfam* *fucking immortal* *extensive medical knowledge* *yes I do the cooking~ yes I do the cleaning~🎶🎶*

(lmao Dick Grayson and Eldest sibling complex TM/me too bestie/)

Ron: *knife* *deffo has said knife on him at all times* *will fucking stab you* *the only person that bosses around -scares- Cale* *also probs immortal* *haven't seen it but I don't doubt his medical knowledge(healing potions)* *yes I do the cooking~ yes I do the cleaning~🎶🎶(I mean Beacrox dose most the cooking but Ron can probably cook too)*

(lmao Cale and his "it don't matter if I bleed so long as you are happy and fedTM/me too bestie/)

Anyways I shall leave you to ponder upon your newly found knowledge.

/no but srsly I am actually working on the best chap  motivations' just been on and off lately/

.....noooO my current motivation definitely isn't cause' the powers' out and I have nothing else to dooo the fuck are you talkin' about????

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