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Jisungs pov

I stepped into the castle, ten guards taking my things. I was excited, scared, but excited. 

Some say the workers here never leave , but I wouldn't mind that. I hate the life I have despite my bubbly behaviour. 

If they didn't allow me this job I would ge executed,  for I would've seen the princes face. And he was something only people who lingered in the castle got to see.

The guards opened the door to a large room, I stepped in and the doors slammed behind me causing me to jump.

" han jisung, Korean, male, aged 22, gay , unemployed " someone said , I looked up to see the king queen and prince sat on their thrones .

I immediately bowed to them each " yes your highness, that's me" I said, more fear than excitement in me now.

" well jisung, why do you want to be a servent?" Asked the king

" well, your highness, if I'm going to be completely honest with you. Me and my family have little to no money, and theres no other jobs going.... even if I dont get to leave here like the rumours say. I could still send the money I receive to them so they can continue farming for the kingdom to have more food and sustainability." I nodded

" arent you a little too.... young for this job?" Said the queen " I dont think you are suitable, at such a young age you arent going to focus properly "

I tensed up, terror washing over me

The prince took one look at me and waved his hand urging his parents to stop, which they did.

" I like him " he said " hes cuter than the other ones. He would bring a little bit of entertainment into my day" he continued "he can go with that one group of 22-25 year old cleaners. Yknow.... the youngest ones "

The queen nodded " ok... you're hired " she said

I couldn't control the smile taking over my face , the prince picked something up and walked over to me , placing it into my hands.

" your uniform " he said

" thank you, your majesty" I bowed my head to him

" hyunjin " he corrected, giving me a warm smile " call me hyunjin "

" but your the prince... it feels informal and disrespectful " I admitted sheepishly, he chuckled

" it's ok, jisung. I dont enjoy people being formal anyway." He said " come with me, I'll take you to your room"

As we walked down the hall I noticed massive paintings of the man all over the walls. The rumours were right.... he did look like a blessing from the gods.

The guards with my luggage followed behind us as we walked side by side , he even smelt godly.

" I like your hair" he said,  then looking at me " ginger is compatible with your skin tone"

" and blonde is compatible with yours " I smiled , he smiled back then stopped in front of a room

He opened the door to reveal six men standing there in there uniforms.

They all saw the prince and bowed

" I've told you all that's unnecessary " hyunjin laughed "this is jisung, hes you're new dorm member. Treat him with respect "

They all nodded and hyunjin motioned for me to go in

" jisung " he said , I turned around swiftly " I will see you around, the guards are going to put all your stuff in here "

" ok, see you later your ma-- hyunjin" I said , he smiled warmly and ruffled my hair before walking away leaving me stunned .

I placed my hand where his had ruffled my hair and blushed.

I looked downwards so no one saw my red face, I walked over to the free bed and put my uniform down.

" you gonna change into that?" Asked one, who looked similar to a rabbit

" yeah" I replied bluntly

I took off my shirt and put the uniforms one on instead , I then changed my jeans and put on the strange choker that I had been given that all of the others were wearing to.

" here" a guard said " your timetable "

My eyes scanned over it, that was simple enough, this job was going to be a breeze .

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