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Jisungs POV

Slow dance music had been playing for a little while, meaning all of the couples in the room had crowded to the dance floor to dance together. Including my group, leaving me completely alone watching them dance happily together.

I was sat down in a comfortable chair with one leg crossed over the other whilst I sipped on my punch.

" jisung " came a voice from beside me

I looked to my right side to see none other than Hwang hyunjin holding out a hand to me , body slightly bowed towards me .

" may I have this dance?" He asked formally

" you may" I placed my punch down and took his hand , allowing him to lead me to the dance floor.

He gently held my waist while I had my hands on his shoulders,we were incredibly close. But I didn't mind that, not at all. Being this close to him felt safe, it felt natural.

" you're even more beautiful upclose " I spoke freely ,letting any words that wanted to escape my mouth come out .

" I could say the same thing about you" he smiled , his smile was so charming and warm " I dont know what I would do if I hadnt met you , han jisung."

" you talk like you're just a commoner. Even if I was as important to you as you say I am, you're the prince. I'm a villager, you know the rules" I replied, looking down to avoid eye contact with the taller

" the rules didn't apply for my parents " he spoke " why should they have to apply for me? I wouldn't give a fuck if you were a low life thief. You're still endering and still the one my heart aches for "

" for someone who hates to be formal you seem to enjoy talking it" I laughed

" sungie, please dont change the subject " he sighed " if the reason you have been pushing away my attempts to have a romance with you is that you think the rules wont allow it.... then, you should no longer try and push away my attempts. Because the rules dont care and neither do I "

" hyunjin " I finnaly locked eyes with him " I dont care about the rules either. I'm trying to find an exuse for you to move on because not only will I do nothing to benefit the kingdom , but people wont like it if their ruler is gay."

" even if I'm not with you, I'm gay anyway sungie. Please....give me a chance, dont doubt yourself. If I'm what your heart desires than thats what I am, dont try and be logical. Do what your heart needs and wants you to do or we will both be upset." The older spoke pleadingly " in other words , dont let your brain get in the way of your heart."

I stayed silent and looked down at our feet once more, I didn't know how to reply to that.

Hyunjins hand came up to my chin and pushed it upwards, his hand still gently holding it in place once we were face to face.

" jisung-ah, please." He sighed "can I be your boyfriend?"

" I..." my face burned red " yes, yes I would like that "

A charming smile returned to his lips " you're so cute"

" I'm not." I averted his gaze, a small chuckle escaped his plump, pink lips.

" you tell yourself that" he poked my stomach, knowing it was a weakness of mine.

I shrieked and pulled my hands from his shoulders to cover the sensitive area

" no." I spoke then walked so close to him that we may well have been cuddling whilst standing up.

He had his arms wrap around my waist while I had my head in the crook of his neck, my hands slowly returning to his shoulders.

" my angel" he whispered sending chills down my spine

" my prince" I whispered back, he gave my waist a small squeeze in response

Maybe I was nervous over nothing, maybe this would turn out better than I expected.

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