Todo lo que sube tiene que bajar

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So, after almost 6 months of nothing I present to you...the end *sobs*

This has been such an emotional story to write, a lot of the chapters, or at least the starts were written when i wasn't in the most healthy state of mind and I just find it really funny how as my mood gets better, so does Xuxi's lol. I hope it had the same effect on someone, as Xuxi's mood changes yours does too.

I'm really thankful for everyone that's been supporting this story for a year now and has waited for me in my monthly updates lol (in my least the chapters are over 5000 words hehe)

But yeah, it's been nice. Have fun reading and I hope you enjoy!!!!

Chaos would be the best way to describe it. Describe what? He doesn't quite know yet. Maybe life, maybe the situation, maybe his mind or his body.

But yeah, chaos.

It was...interesting to see the peace that reigned the room develop into this mess. A mess that, for once, Xuxi had not directly created. A win in his book.

But there was something in his chest, a weight that hadn't been there before. Or maybe it had. He doesn't know.

He doesn't really know anything anymore. Which yeah, he should probably be concerned.

The post was simple or simply cruel, whichever way you want to see it. It was a paragraph, perhaps five hundred words, not any particularly nasty insult or at least nothing he hadn't heard before. A paragraph.

Dejun was saying something, speaking on the phone while flailing his hands the same way he did when he was particularly upset.

The title was something along the lines of "The things SM doesn't want you to know about Wong Lucas". Simple. Engaging. PR perfect. Written by expert hands.

He guesses betrayal would be the best word to describe the post.

Yangyang hadn't left his side, or at least Xuxi hadn't noticed him leaving. He was saying something, forming words with those smiling lips of his. Only they weren't. Yangyang was crying, saying something Xuxi couldn't quite comprehend, and...and Yangyang was crying.

Its start was simple too.

"The truth is Lucas tried to kill himself. Over what? You'll never guess.

An eating disorder. Can you imagine? You have to be on another level of hypocrite to be like that. Honestly, when it's other people then it's okay, but as soon as you say something about him then he's the victim. Wong Lucas is unbelievable."

It proceeded to show proof. Pictures of Xuxi throwing up behind that restaurant the members had thought was good. A voice recording of Hendery coaching him through a panic attack. Hospital records he doesn't know how they got. Videos and pictures and Kakaotalk screenshots and...and weaknesses he wished the world never saw.

Sicheng was speaking with their manager. Or rather...screaming at their manager. Did the man deserve it? Who knows.

(Does Xuxi deserve this?


Their manager looked panicked, just like the rest of them. Panicked in the way that a man that had failed to do his job was. Maybe the writer was him. The one with the scathing words and the spilt secrets. With the pictures and videos.


There was one particular picture Xuxi had torn his eyes away from the second he saw it. It was on the roof of their apartment, Hendery was there. Xuxi was there too.

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