Chapter 3

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Next morning:

Yn: Good morning aunty.

She said while entering the kitchen all ready to go.

Mrs.Kim: Good morning Sweetie. You are going to hospital?

Yn: Yes aunty today is my first day their.

She said being all nervous

Mrs.Kim: Great then, don't be nervous my child, Just do your best ! Fighting!!

Yn:*chuckled* Yea fighting!!

Mrs.Kim: Come now eat your breakfast and then go

Yn: No aunty I'll have something on my way...

Mrs.Kim: No no no i won't listen to you come fast or else you'll be late .

Yn smiled at her sweet behaviour and went to eat.

At dining table:

Mr.Kim: Yn, Tae will drop you to your hospital.. His office is also in same direction s-

Yn: No uncle it's fine I'll go by bus..

Mrs Kim: He's right Yn, Taehyung will drop u off...

Yn:No aun-

Taehyung: You should not disobey your elders Yn-shii

He said in his deep voice which made Yn feel butterflies in her tummy🦋😭

EunJin: Oppaaa stop doing this look at her face

When EunJin said this Tae started giggling

Whereas Yn was looking at him in disbelief. Such a duality this guy has but every side of him never failed to make her feel butterflies...

((Meanwhile author:Ahem ahem 🌚 Same Yn same 😭🦋))

Yn:*smiling awkwardly* hehe it's really fine I can go by myself...

Tae: Okay, I won't force you but let me drop you to the bus stop at least.

He said with the sweetest smile which can melt anyone's heart.

Yn: O-ohk.

Time skip in Tae's car

Tae: Um Yn-shi in which hospital do you work un if you don't mind..?

Yn:I joined in XXX Hospital and today is my first day..

Tae: Oh all the best for your first day..Do well!!

Yn: Thank you Taehyung-shi..

Tae: If you don't mind um which type of doctor are you??

Yn: Cardiologist

Tae: Oh now it makes sense that why my heart is beating fast when I am with you.

He said smirking

Yn: *wide eyes* Eh? Pardon?

Tae: *mumbles while chuckling* cute.

Tae: No it's nothing. Here we are.

He said after arriving at the Bus Stop

Yn: Thank you for the ride Taehyung-shi

They both smiled at each other and Yn got off the car

Time skip after few days

Yn was getting along well with the Kim's and had become close..

Mr and Mrs Kim were really good to her and treated her like their own part of family EunJin and JongGyu were like brother and sister to her and about Taehyung he was becoming a good friend of her...

Today was Sunday and a day off for everyone in the house...

Yn decided to make breakfast for all of them today, when Taehyung entered the kitchen

Tae: Omo what are you doing in kitchen Yn

Yn: As u can see I am making breakfast taehyung-shi

Tae: I told u to stop calling me taehyung-shi and about breakfast I don't wanna die at such a young age 😅

Yn became shocked listening to him and said in an annoyed tone

Yn: Haww don't underestimate the power of -

Tae: A quack?

He said and started laughing making Yn glare at him. He tried to control his laughter after seeing her face.

Yn: Get lost from here and lemme concentrate on my cooking.

Tae: Okay...quack !


He said and ran away before Yn could say anything..

After he was gone Yn said to herself while smiling "silly"

Some other day:

It was night time aka family time where all of them were gathered in living room..

Yn was beside Mrs.Kim and they all were chatting and laughing when.

Mrs.Kim: Time flies so fast my Tae is also all grown up now 🤧

Mr.Kim: It just feels like yesterday when u were pregnant with JongGyu.

Mrs.Kim:*blushing* Hehe yea

Y/N: Yes time do flies by and you'll never know what can happen in ur life the next second..

She said with a serious face which made them curious abt why she said so..

Mr.Kim understood and tried to lighten up the mood

Mr.Kim: Yea look our Yn also became a part of our family now

He said looking fondly at her...

Yn smiled at him n said

Yn: I m really lucky that I found you guys in this unknown place

Tae: Yes and now you are stuck with me- I..i mean with us and we won't let you go

He said while smiling at her

Yn: Even if you say me to leave I won't..

She also said with a smile

Time skip in Yn's room

Yn: Hmmmm....The Kim's....A happy sweet little family

She said with a sly smirk and started laughing

Yn: You guys won't let me go??? *Laughing* I won't let YOU go for what you did to my family..

She said with tears in her red eyes..

Then she heard a knock at her door she wiped her tears and opened the door .

It was Taehyung

Tae: Here mom gave you some heat packs as it's really cold today...

Yn: Thank you...she cares a lot about me...right??

She said seriously

Tae:Ofc.. You've become like a daughter to her in this few days

Yn: Yea.. She's also like a mother to me.

She said with a blank face

Tae: Hm. Good night then

Yn: Good night

After he went

Yn: Kim Myeon Joo?A mother to me??*scoffs* I'll show you what this so called daughter of yours can do.

She said with pure anger..


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