Chapter 4

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At hospital:

Yn was seated in the cabin which belongs to interns when,

Nurse: Dr.Yn, Dr.Jungkook !

She said hurrying in there

Nurse: You have an accident patient! Come fast!

Yn: But where are the senior doctors call them too!

Nurse: They all are busy and this case doesn't seem to need any operations so the senior doc said you guys to take over.

Jungkook: ohk ok let's go Yn

They went to the patient and Yn was shocked to see the person and her heart was shaking with an unknown fear developing inside her...It was none other than Taehyung

Her hands started shivering with tears brimming in her eyes when,

Jk: YN!!

He said getting her out of her trance

Yn: huh?

Jk: What happened? Do you know him ??

Yn: H-he is T-taehyung....

Jk: What? *sigh* let's go we should stitch his wounds he's losing blood fast!

Jk knew about Taehyung as Yn blabbered a lot about him to Jk

With that Jk and Yn took Taehyung's unconscious figure inside and treated him.. Yn informed the Kim's and they arrived at the hospital too.

After some time Taehyung was conscious and fortunately it wasn't anything serious and he would be discharged by the next day...

Mr and Mrs Kim insisted on staying with him but he somehow managed to send them home as he doesn't want them to be worried..

During this time Taehyung noticed how careful Yn was around him, being a doctor which she should be but he could see her being worried for him..

At night

Yn came into Tae's room to give him some sedatives after giving she was about to lev after saying him to take care when Tae held her wrist which caused her to look back at him..

Tae: Were you worried about me??

Yn: huh? Ah y-yes ofcourse I would be worried about my f-friend..

Tae: Oh friend? Y-yea ofcourse..

He said dissappontedly..Even he doesn't know the reason of his dissappointment. Maybe he didn't wanted to be just friends with her? He still didn't had his answers.

Yn: Hmm yea now take rest and call me if you need something..

She said and left from their..

In Yn's cabin

Yn thought while leaning back on her seat and rubbing her temples

"What the hell is wrong with me?? Why does my heart beat so fast when he's around? And why did it hurt me soo much when he got hurt?? Why ??"*sigh*"I shouldn't forget for what I am here. I can't be weak. But he's making me weak ... Arghhh f**k it!!"

Next morning

Today taehyung was getting discharged and here Yn was helping him to get up from his bed as he injured his right hand and right ankle...

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