Mall Stop (Sal)

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This chapter is dedicated to SalVulcanoLover for adding these one shots to her reading list! Thankies! ^-^

(Also, I know I'm doing a lot of Sal but I know a lot of people who absolutely love Sal so...x3)


"We are here in the mall." I started.

"We have to get them to sign something which we have no idea about." Murr chipped in.

"And if they refuse, you lose." Joe concluded.


"Oh, God. I am actually so nervous right now." I muttered, knowing the guys could hear me through the earphones.

A (Y/H/C) about twenty-six/twenty-seven walked by in an oversized jumper, black skirt, tights and brogues holding a frappuccino.

"Sal, this girl. That girl there."

I shook my head slightly, starting to become overly nervous as I tried to catch up with her. "Hi. Sorry. Hi."

She stopped to look at me and smiled. Her eyes were a (Y/E/C) "Hi. What's up?" She had a melodic Irish accent.

"Oh, this girl is perfect." Q commented.

"I, uh-"

"Sal's in love." Joe joked. "And we're going to fuck it up for him. Go on, chat to her for a second."

"How-How are you?" I stuttered.

"I am good, thank you. You?" Wow, she was nice.

"I'm very good, thank you-"

"All the better now that I've met you. Say it." Murr said into the mic.

"All the better now that I've met you." I finished.

She started to laugh. Her laugh was honestly beautiful. "Smooth. Very smooth. I like it."

"I'm so rude - I'm Sal. Sal Vulcano-" I put my hand out.

"Your legs are out of this world." Q told me.

I took a breath. "Your-your legs are out of this world, did you know?"

"Well, my mum always said I had legs like a bucket of chicken. Apparently, that's a good thing. Thank you." I smiled as she recalled a memory. She was so friendly. "Most people don't comment on my legs."

"Why, what do they comment on?" I wondered.

A blush crept onto her face as she indicated to her breasts with her free index finger.

"Your-Your breasts?"

"Big or small?" I heard Murr.

I cleared my throat. "Big or small?"

Her eyebrows lifted a little before a chuckle came out. "Big."

I could hear the guys laughing their heads off in my ear.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N)." (Y/N) shook my hand.

"Which frappuccino is that?" I asked, for small talk.

"Mocha. I frigging love them."


"Yeah!" She laughed. "And it's happy hour as well - the large ones are only 2.60. Sorry, you wanted to ask me something?" She pushed her 'cinge' (cheek sweeping fringe) out of her gorgeous eyes.

"Yes, um, I'm trying to get signatures for a new organisation that's after being set up. It's called," I flipped the page over and grimaced. "It's called, um, Elocution Lessons for Donegal." I put my fist up to my mouth.

The girl looked at me for a second trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Of all people to talk to with this petition. She's Irish and you basically just insulted a part of Ireland." The guys laughed.

(Y/N) licked her lips. "Screw it. I'm from Dublin and they beat us in the Champions League so fuck it." She took the pen out of my hands and scribbled her signature onto the paper.

"Oh my God! Did that just happen? Did you really just get an Irish girl to sign a petition for elocution lessons for a part of Ireland?!"

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I was grateful if didn't take the lose but more grateful that she obviously didn't judge me.

"You're also really cute, so..." (Y/N) smiled.

"Jackpot, Sal. Okay, one last task - ask her out."

My face went red. "Would you, uh, would you like to go out sometime then?" I stumbled over my words.

"Yeah, okay. That'd be great. Give me a call later." She started walking away.

"Umm, I need your number." I scratched the back of my neck.

"It's beside my name." She turned around and continued walking backwards with a smile.

"Alright. Sal comes home with a win and a date. How the fuck did that happen?"

I looked at the hidden camera and smirked.


You walked away smiling, shaking your head. Did that really just happen? You had known something was up - the ear piece wasn't exactly invisible but you had thought Sal's reactions were adorable not to mention quite sexy.

What will I text him?

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