Love Bite (Murr)

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>>Requested by @DreamBeyondTheStars<<You and the guys stood outside, ready to give the introduction. You tightened the scarf around your neck to keep your neck warm from the crisp New York air.

"Today, we are posing as workers in the local cinema." Q started.

"But, as always, we're gonna have the other guys in our ears telling us what to do." You looked at Murr for him to continue. 

He smiled at you before looking towards the camera. "And if you refuse, you lose."


This challenge was different. Instead of carrying out the task individually, you and the other Jokers were pairing up.

"Bagsy not Sal." You quickly stated.

Sal's head whipped around to look at you, exasperated hurt on his face. "What, why?"

"Sorry, hun but we all know you'll refuse to something I'd gladly do and then we both lose so..."

"Fair enough."

"How 'bout (Y/N)/Murr, Sal/Q and I'll just do it on my own." Joe suggested.

We all nodded before Murr and I set off to take our places behind the cinema counter. You fiddled with your collar, feeling like it was too tight so you opened the top two buttons of the polo shirt, forgetting what was underneath.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the fuck are they?" You heard Q exclaim through your ear piece.

You grimaced. "Nothing."

You felt Murr turn and glance at your neck.

"Looks like (Y/N) had a good time with someone." Joe started teasing.

You glanced up at the hidden camera to give them a death glare. "Guys, shut up."

You noticed Murr's eyebrows were furrowed angrily." Murr stop staring, God. They're just hickeys."

"Someone defiled my friend's neck. Of course I'm going to be angry and stare." He grumbled under his breath. 

"Since when the hell do you care about my love life and what I do on my own time?"

"Guys, you can talk it out later. Focus."

You sighed, turning your back on Murr.


"Guys, you go ahead. Murray, come here." You beckoned for him to stay behind with you.

You waited for the others to be out of ear shot. "What the fuck was that back there?"

"I-I was just being a protective fri-"

"Don't give me all that protective friend crap. There's being a protective friend and then there's just being an overprotective psycho. What's up with you, James?" Murr was clearly getting agitated as you continued to speak. "Because I honestly, for the life of me, can't figure it out."

"You want the truth?"

"No, I'm ranting at you for no reason. Of course I want the truth."

"I like you!"

The words took you by surprise. 


Murr ran a hand down over his face. "I like you. A lot, actually. More than a friend. I tried to push it down because developing feelings in friendships only leads to disaster but seeing... Seeing those things on your neck, the thought of you with another guy.. It just- Just didn't settle well with me."

You stared at the ground. "How long?"  Silence. "How long, James?!"

"Four years."

"Four years?! Why would you do that to yourself?" You hit him on the arm. 

You didn't know how to feel. You had always felt more than just friendship towards Murr but denied those feelings because you didn't want to be just another cliché, 'the girl who fell for her best friend' How much more cliche can you get?

"I've been holding in all these feelings too, James. You should have told me. I like you, too. I just didn't want to be that girl who fell for her best friend and got her heart broken." You admitted. It felt good to get those feelings put but you were also terrified because Murr had not said a word in a while. 

He was studying your face, checking for any signs that this might have been just another prank.

You stared at your feet, chewing your lip anxiously before a hand tilted your chin upwards. You found yourself staring into Murr's eyes as his thumb ran along your lower lip before capturing your lips with his. It was brief kiss. Brief but sweet. 

"You were worth the wait."

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