New Year (Sal)

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>>This was a request from Molbash_Cannonball<<

"Sorry, excuse me. Sorry." You made your way through the crowd. Well, tried to. It seemed like everyone in New York had turned up to see the ball drop which, you thought, was probably true. 

You spotted the familiar long-hair-and-cap combo of Q, exhaling in relief as you found your friends amidst the large crowd of New Yorkers.

"There you are! Finally." Q exclaimed.

"Excuse me, you try walking through that amount of people and see how long it takes you." You sassed him. "Hi, Bessie. It's great to see you."

"(Y/N), it's great to see you too!"

You looked around. Q, Joe, Bessie, Murr... "Where's Sal?" You asked the guys. 

"I'm here. I'm here. These assholes sent me to the store across the road to get drinks." You watched as he handed everyone a bottle. He turned to you. "(Y/F/D), your favourite right?"

You smiled, taking the bottle off of him. "Thanks, Salvatore. Now see, you remember stuff about me unlike some people." You glared at the rest of the boys, knowing they knew you were joking. 

That's what you loved about being friends the four men. You could take the piss out of each other.

"How much longer till midnight?" Joe wondered, his arm wrapping around Bessie's waist. 

Murr quickly looked at his watch. "Less than one minute."

"Got here just in time then." You and Sal said at the same time. You both chuckled as you looked at each other. You had known Sal the longest although you weren't quite sure you just wanted to be just friends. Lately, the friendship had felt different but you just shook it off as wishful thinking. 

"10..9..8..." the crowd starting chanting.

You took your phone out, ready to record the moment.


You felt a hand grab your wrist gently and spin you to face them. You found yourself looking into Sal's eyes. You just loved how his eyes seemed to be a mix of blue, green and grey.


His hand crept up to your cheek, trailing his fingers along your cheekbone delicately as your breath hitched in your throat. 


Sal's soft lips captured yours, his hands secured at your waist. You never wanted the moment to end.

He pulled back, resting his forehead against yours. "Happy New Year, (Y/N)."


Wow, I finally updated. I'm so so so so so so so so sorry about not updating. I went through a lot of family bereavements last year and just took a break from everything while I worked on my mental health, to be honest.

But hey, happy (late) new year! Hope you guys had a great new year's eve/day and that your year has started well.

I'm gonna catch up on everyone's requests for the next few days (I'm so sorry again!) so keep sending them in! Much love 💕 x

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