CHAPTER 5: The end

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We've been waiting here for hours. Nancy and Johnathon left to go somewhere. when asked el where they were el said demagorgan, so I assumed that she meant the byers house and I drove there to check on them.

And now I'm stuck trapping and killing a demagogue fun!

''on the count of three,'' Johnathon says as I raise my butterfly knife to my hand and they raise their kitchen knives 'one' 'two' 'three' once we get to ' three' I press the blade of my knife in the palm of my hand making blood start leaking from the open wound.


Now I'm sitting in the living room bandaging up my palm. Nancy asked If I needed help with it, but I said it was fine and she could do Johnathon. The floor creeks and I hold my butterfly knife a little tighter.''Did you hear that?'' nancy quaked out nervously. ''It's just the wind ''Johnathon says calmly.'' Don't worry, my mom she said the lights speak when it comes.'', ''speak?'' nancy asks.''blink ''Johnathon explained.

There is a loud bang at the door, I'm scared for a second  before I hear 'Johnathon, are you there, man it's .... it's steve'' then I'm just annoyed '' listen, I just want to know where morgan is'' Nancy opens the door ''steve listen to me-'' '' you need to leave '' as I walk up behind her'' no, I'm not trying to start anything '' ''I don't care about that you need to leave.'' ''no no no listen, I messed up, okay  I messed ...I messed up, okay really please, I just want to make things right, okay?. Please .please... ''he  stuttered to me ''hey, what happened to your hand''  he questioned nancy 

''is that blood'' He questioned again ''Nothing ,nothing ''nancy stamerd ''it was a acident'' ''yeah whats going on'' steve asked''Nothing '' i say ''wait a sec .did he do this to you '' steve asks nancy as he tries to get through the door ''no.'' nancy responds but she's not strong enough to keep steve out so he gets in.'' what is..what the...'' steve says confused.

''you need to get out of here '' Johnathan tells steve as he tries to push him out of the house '' listen to me. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you'' '' what's that smell, is that gasoline?'' steve asks  '' steve get out nancy'' says as she points a gun at the very confused boy.

''wait .what? what is going on'' steve stutters out '' you have five seconds to get out of here'' ''okay is this a joke stop. put the gun down'' ''I'm doing this for you, three, two. '' ''no no no no no' ''nancy , morgan the lights ''Johnathon tells us .''the demagorgon is here.'' I say  '' wait what here ''steve asks, ''where is it ''nancy questions as all of us look around, ''where is what? whoa easy with that'' steve says as nancy waves her gun around.

''hello, will someone please explain to me what the hell is going --'' he's interrupted by something coming through the ceiling, it's the demagorgon. Nancy shoots at it, and the monster roars .'no go, go, run Johnathon says grabbing nancy and dragging her and me to wills room. steve follows. ''jump Johnathon says and all of us jump over the bear trap in the hallway while steve screams ''oh my god, oh my god, oh my god'' I almost join him.

''Jesus! Jesus! what the hell was that ''steve yells .''shut up ''we all say in sync. we all face the door and point our weapons at it (except steve who doesn't have one, he might die.).'' what's it doing'' nancy says as the demagorgon I think walks past the door.'' I don't know '' I respond softly.

''do you hear anything ''nancy asks ''no ''Johnathon says and he closes the metal lighter I gave him. we go out into the hall and look for the monster who is gone apparently.

we sneak into the living room and steve starts muttering about how crazy this is. And he tries to call someone when nancy grabs the phone.'' what are you doing ? are you insane'' steve questions.'' it's going to come back '' she says '' so you need to leave, right now'' steve quickly runs out the door, but as soon as he does the lights flicker again and we get our weapons ready again ''you see it ?'' ''no'' ''come out you son of a bitch'' I say ''where ''come on ''Jonathon says eagerly ready to kill this thing.

All the lights go out and the monster appears behind Johnathon...'' Johnathon!!'' nancy yells. It gets on Johnathon and probably tries to eat him (Johnathon probably tastes like wheat, to be honest)before nancy shoots it and yells "go to hell you son of a bitch!"It walks over to me and nancy and she shoots him again and again bet then we run out of bullets and I'm sure I'm going to be monster food.

but then steve comes out from behind the monster and hits it with a nail-filled bat, he even does a cool little spin :).he pushes into the bear trap we set up. And Johnathon throws the lighter on the ground setting the carpet and the monster on fire." get back Johnathon says before spraying a fire extinguisher on the large blaze. Making everyone cough." where'd it go "nancy asks "it has to be dead" I say"we shot it, hit it.  And lit it on fire "we all looked down and see just a bunch of burnt goo/goop and the lights go back on in a little track  we follow it outside and Johnathon says "I don't think that's the monster''


I'm just sitting in this waiting room next to steve Harrington and though I do not look at it I'm happy .im not dead neither is will the monster though so that's good wills awake and the boys rush in. I  o walk over to his hospital room too when I see nancy go there.

_____________________1 month later

I'm sitting on my bed on the 23 of December when my phone rings so I rush to go pick it up.

'hey ?'

'hey morgan, it's nance I was wondering, you like Johnathon right, like as a friend?'

'I mean yeah '

'can you help me pick out a like a gift for him you know

'uh yeah sure '

'ok I meet you downtown at like 3 pm

'okay see you then bye'


I think I'm happier than I ever have been



duh duh duhhhhh we are done with chapter 1 yay I can't wait to write chapter 2 and then 3 and 4 (where a love plot begins) and maybe even 5 :) love you 😻

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