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"We made it Penn" I told Penny as we entered the gates of Elsword.

"Let's go get the horse" Penny said.
"Yeah, I think I can see a merchant over there" I replied.

We walked quickly to purchase the horse; It was a white stallion having a grey mane.

We were to meet the princess in her palace along with other squires, knights, warriors, mages, rogues, archers, nobles who were to complete a certain unknown task for her..

"Kai its a long way to go, to get to the palace, we better hurry up so we don't miss the grouping, hope we make it in the same team, you mean a lot to me and you've really helped me get through a lot, thanks" she said as she gave me a tight hug before climbing and adjusting herself onto the horse.

"You're really welcome Penn" I replied heartfully.

Kowing my cheeks would be bright red, I used my forearm to cover my face as I hopped unto the horse behind Penny, just then I realised..

Penny was going to be the one to ride the horse..

"Penn, you're going to have to be carefu...."
I said even though I couldn't finish my sentence.

She steered the horse so quickly I almost lost my bearings.

"Woaahh Penn be careful" I said as we dashed through the city, wind blowing our faces.. We we're going pretty fast; We almost hit some crates as Penny manoeuvred to the left to make a swift dodge..

I guess Penny did mean it when she said she didn't want to miss the grouping.

As we were on the horse after much debating we decided to name it "starflare", seemed pretty good a name for a horse..

So as we enclosed on the Palace, we caught it's glimpse and we knew we were close.

"Penn, faster they're about to ring the bell"
"I know, I know we'll be there in a sec"

The castle was on a steep hill surrounded by a river.

As we finally arrived at the gates, on it inscribed "Fort.St George" the name of the princesses' husband, "Sir Longsford George".

Two knights assembled at the gate with a spear in one hand of the two guards.

"What business do you have here nobles?" The first knight said.

"The princess is to assign a certain task to a selected few" Penny said.

The knights must've known what we we're referring to as they opened the large gates and let us in.

The Palace compound was quite huge not to talk about the castle itself. We walked into the palace; Just looking around made me lose my breath, I was astonished..

This place was quite the definition of "royalty". It was really big though and decorated from an end to another. All corrider walls and ceilings emblazoned with gold interiors; It really was beautiful.

"Woah, Kai this place is just wow" Penny said to me excitedly.

"Yeah it really is" I confirmed.

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