~We're Almsot there~

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"Penny.." I whispered, feeling her slight touch. I just wanted to be around her. I smiled at Penny.

"You're amazing Kai" She said glaring into my eyes.

"Oh penny" I leaned in for a tight hug.. Just then..

"Kaiiiiiiii!!! Get your butt outta bed right now!"

I awoke instantly, due to the fierce yet funny scream of Penny.

Sadly it was all just all a dream..

"What, what do you want, yaawwn" I said stuttery, still tired and having that 'under-slept' feeling.

"We still have to talk you know, what happened yesterday" She said as I walked downstairs to the main room of our home.

I'd actually forgotten about what'd happened since yesterday, but Penny was still pretty bent on knowing what happened.

"Whatever" I said still exhausted.

"Don't sit yet man, your breakfast's on table in the kitchen, go get it. Funny I wake up earlier than you actually, I'm like your mom or something, haha" Penny said with an ironic yet amused tone.

I'd finished up with breakfast and Penny was looking for some answers, we talked about what happened yesterday, having a great conversation, then..

"Kai you actually looked really cute the other day" She said with her glimmery eyes staring at mine..

She was so adorable..

"Aww Penn you did too" I said still in contact with Penny..

"Umm yeah, Kai tommorow's the big day mate, don't forget that, we gotta go prepare. We have to go get all our required gear and all, we also ha.." I cut her off here she could finish.

"Penny, there's something you need to know.." I said not too sure I was actually gonna let Penny know exactly how I felt for her..

"Yeah man, what is it, I'm all ears" She said with the most beautiful smile she'd ever put on in quite the while..

"Penny.." I stuttered..

"We haven't fed starflare yet, have we..?" I came up with that excuse, I wasn't ready to let her know.

"Kai you sure that's it? Anyways I'll get to that, then we can take a ride on Starflare into Elsword, whaddya think, cool innit. I'm sure it'll get whatever's on your mind off it" She said showing care..

For a second there, I thought Penny'd have any feelings for me, but I wasn't ready for rejection..

"This time I'm riding Star" I said because Penny had forcefully rode our horse on our journey yesterday.

"Whatever Kai, I'll see what you can do, go ahead" She replied..

I saddled myself unto the horse, making sure Penny had too, then she rolled her eyes at me for some reason..girls am I right?

"Dude, when we get into town I think we should get another horse, just saying actually. I have extra coins we could use"
Penny said..

"No problem Penny"

She replied with a sigh "Okay Kai, but let's hurry tho, you know I'm not the patient type"

"You know what, let's take that shortcut it's an intersection through the fereldan woods, what do you think Penn? I said not wanting to waste her time.

"Alright bro, we'll take it, but we better be prepared if some random monster decides not to be friendly. Luckily I have some extra weapons in my backpack, well just two bows and a few arrows actually." Penny said with a compelling voice.

"Oh that seems great, let's go!" I said with excitement!

"Umm Kai you sure you know where you're going" Penny said certain of my confusion.

"Well, duh.. Of course I know where I'm going, hold on let me implore this tree beak fairy, just in case" I said with not much confidence..

"Hello there!" I said trying to catch the maiden fairy's attention.

"Yes, you called?" The fairy asked me.

"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing, but me and my friend her might be a bit lost, we just wanted to ask if we were on the right trail towards Elsword City." I asked the fairy.

I'd actually seen a fairy about twice now, different occasions, both quests actually, I guess thus would be a third time, not bad Kai, not bad..

"Ohh, my sweets. How unfortunate of you to think you're lost, actually you're on the right trail towards Elsword City, do not fear, because that is only the good news" The fairy said reassuring my confidence only for a short while until herast statement.

"The good news?" Penny said anxious.
"The bad, please" She finished.

"Oh dear, the bad news. As you make your way down, I spotted some unfriendly trolls up ahead, and if you're planning on moving forward, you're going to have to do something about them; But you might be in luck, because I saw some warriors, on my way here, heading towards the trolls, so chances are the trolls have been dealt with or you get to do it with them. Oh my dears" She said in worry.

"Thanks for the help, appreciated" I told the fairy.

We strayed off deeper into the woods, as we began to think we were lost again.

We had decided to take the contrary trail to that of Elsword city. From the right road, you could clearly the Elsword gates, but on the left hedges and bushes bellowed in front; we thought it'd be fun to explore and adventure, and probably hunt a few animals for easy meat, so we concluded it'd be fun to go that way; And hoped we'd get back in time before the Elsword gates were locked. Living outside the city was a pain in the arse.

We unsaddled from our horse, took our bows and decided to venture deeper into that side of the wood.

We kept going, just then we sighted something strange, or someone actually?

"Kai, it seems that's the guy from yesterday, the one I saved you from haha" Penny said chuckle some while trying to figure out exactly who he was.

"Hmm, could be, let's get a closer look; By the way you didn't save me, get that"

We unsaddled from the horse and soon enough we were just a slight distance from our suspected fellow.

Just then the one in the middle turned around..

"Oh my.." Penny and I said in an aligned unison.

Could it be... Him?
Wow I guess that's the end of my 8th chapter, I'm soo sorry for the extremely long wait, I apologise, just been caught up lately! Well I'm here now, be expecting lots more, hopefully this was a 'cliffhanger' for you guys. Please read and enjoy.
This chapter is by far thanks to The_purity_ring and im_confused_again123
For welcoming me back!
Thanks guys..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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