Chapter Two

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Shane's P.O.V.

'I have to share a room with this faggot.' I said. After that, I saw Colton turn and run up stairs to his room I'm guessing. I could see the tears in his eyes. 'No son, go and apologize for what you said.' 'FINE!'

i walked up stairs and saw a poster on a door that said "Colton's Room: Keep Out" I walked in and he had his back turned. I took time to look at his room. His walls were black and he had Black Veil Bride, Asking Alexandra, Sleeping with Sirens, and many more posters on his wall.

His second wall had pictures of him and his mom, and on the third he had drawings. I'm guessing he didn't hear me because he continued to play "Trouble" by NeverShoutNever, replacing girl with boy.

He had an amazing voice. It was better than Christofer Drew himself! I sang along, 'I've been listening to Jazz.' He heard this time because he stopped singing and backed into the corner. His eyes were all puffy and he didn't have his sweatshirt on like he normally does. I could see fresh cuts.

I ran over to him and grabbed his arm standing him up while I pushed him against the wall. He whimpered. 'Why' I said. 'Why what?' He asked confused. I pointed to his wrist. His face turned red and he started cry.

He went to his bed face down. I walked over to him and said, 'tell me now!' 'Do you know how much it hurts to have the one you love, who is straight, to call you a fagg-' he stopped mid-word and shuttered, 'sorry, I hate that word.'

'oh, sorry, he is an idiot for not liking you,' I said as I got up and left. As I opened the door I heard Colton's mom yell, 'boys, it's dinnertime.' I walked downstairs to be greeted by the smell of chili and pork. I hope it tastes as good as it smells.

I sat at the table thinking over what Colton said. He's in love with a straight guy that called him a faggot. That could be anyone, but me. Sure I called him a faggot, but I'm gay. I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

I lost my appetite knowing he doesn't like me 'May I be excused I'm not hungry,' Colton and I said at the same time. 'Yes, you boys may,; said Colton's mom. I started to walk upstairs when I accidentally tripped Colton making him drop his plate. 'You did this on purpose,' he said. Why not make a show? 'Maybe I did,' I said as I walked upstairs smirking.

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