Chapter Ten

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(Sorry for any mistakes I'm on my phone.)

Colton's P.O.V.

'I want to die because of myself too,' I heard Shane say. He can't die I ran to the door and fell to my knees. 'Please don't leave Shane.' I whispered. He came to me and gave me a hug.

'Shane, I love you, why would you lie to me?' I asked. He replied with, 'I didn't lie to you, I really do love you. I understand if you hate me, I hate myself too. Colton, the only reason I bullied you is because I thought I would never have a chance with you.

I need you. I can't believe I pushed you so far that you wanted to die. I punched Brandon in the face for you. I love you so much.' I started crying. 'You do hate me. I'm just going to go.' With that he ran away. 'SHANE.' He didn't turn around. I started running only to be held back by Andy.

'Andy, I have to go get him. I need him. Please.' I dropped to my knees and cried harder. 'He will realize he needs you and will come back.' 'But what if he doesn't come back, what if he kills himself? I can't let that happen.'

'Then go after him. Bring him back here once you find him.' 'Bye Andy.' 'Colton, don't try anything.' I nodded and ran into the direction Shane went. He isn't a fast runner, after two minutes I caught up to him. 'Shane, I love you please stop, I need you.'

He ran faster. 'Shane, if you don't stop I will kill myself, I know what you are trying to do, you are going to kill yourself to see if I care. Well I do care. I love you, I know it doesn't mean a lot expecially coming from me, but I do love you.' I stopped.

'Goodbye.' I know what I told Andy, by I have to. I said against the brick wall and grabbed my secret blade I keep in the back of my phone and as soon as I was about to cut, Shane yelled, 'Colton, please don't do it. I love you'

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