Chapter 4: The Trial

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I wake up and realize what day it is, it's the day of the 3rd court trial. "Ugh, do we seriously need to go there?" Collin groans. "I mean we have been to so many already because of what happened."

    "We have been to 2 trials Collin, we have not been to so many." Leroy responds. "Like I was saying, yes we do have to go to this one, we have to go to all of them, if we don't there won't be anybody to defend Ansiel and we don't want that do we?"

"No... We wouldn't want that to happen" Collin says.

"What are you guys talking about?" I say sleepily. "It seems important, so if it is you should tell me." They both look at me.

    "You're finally awake." Leroy states. "I thought you were going to miss the trial, I really didn't want to wake you up, but I was going to have to if you hadn't woken up."

    "Yeah, whatever Collin what were you guys talking about?" I ask

    "Hey! Don't ignore me!?" Leroy screamed

    "I'm not ignoring you, I'm simply asking Collin a question, if you want, I'll acknowledge you...But I'll still ask Collin the question." I speak

    We hear giggling coming from the corner of the room, "Collin what are you laughing at?" I say with a hint of confusion in my voice.

"J-just the fact that y-you guys are fighting *wheeze*"

"Collin it's not funny... okay maybe it kind of is, I mean Leroy was never funny until now so..."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!" Leroy screams from the top of his lungs

"I mean that you aren't funny Leroy," I say
"For once I might agree with you Ansiel," Collin speaks

"Ok screw you Collin" I say

"What Ansiel said." Leroy comments

I look at my watch, "Holy hell it's 2pm we are going to be late if we don't leave in 30 minutes, I'll be right back," I say quickly sprinting into the bathroom to get ready. *Thud* MOTHER-

"Are you alright?" Leroy says loudly

"I'm fine.." I say 15 minutes later I come out of the bathroom dressed and ready to go, "Alright let's go," I say

"Okay," They both say in unison, all of us head out to the car...

"What happened to the car while I was gone, holy it looks better than I left it," I say

"You can thank me for that" Leroy says

"Thanks!" I say while getting in the car, "Now hurry, I don't wanna be late."

Collins POV

When we get out of the car, we walk into the court and we take our places, "Please rise. The Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge Ace presiding."

"Everyone but the jury may be seated. Ms.Violet, please swear in the jury." Ace says.

"Please raise your right hand.. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will truly listen to this case and render a true verdict and a fair sentence as to this defendant?" Violet speaks

"I do" the jurors say in unison

"You may be seated." Violet says

"Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case. The prosecution has the burden of proving the guilt of the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt. This burden remains on the prosecution through the trial. The prosecution must prove that a crime was committed and that the defendant is the person who committed the crime. However, if you are not satisfied of the defendant's guilt to that extent, then reasonable doubt exists and the defendant must be found not guilty." Ace speaks, "Ms.Violet, what is today's case?"

"Your Honor, today's case is Ansiel vs Zorion"

"Is the prosecution ready?"

The Prosecuting Attorneys stand and say, "Yes, Your Honor." They then sit back down.

"Is the defense ready?"
The Defense Attorneys also stand and say, "Yes, Your Honor" Then proceed to sit down again.

"Your Honor, members of the jury, my name is Atlas and I and my colleagues are representing Zorion in this case." They speak, "Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, today the people are charging Ansiel, with violations of the California penal code 187. Today, the people will prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that Ansiel killed multiple people by planning, this shall be proven by calling to the stand four witnesses. First, I'd like to call to the stand Detective Hazel, who examined the areas where evidence was left, will testify that Ansiel committed 1st degree murder with a weapon that can-."

I fall asleep

When I wake up I'm back at our room, "what time is it?" Someone responds.

"It's 9:49PM, it took you long enough to wake up Collin, you were asleep basically since the trial started, how are you feeling, I know that nap probably wasn't comfortable especially since you were on the hard bench." I recognize the voice, it's Leroy's.

"Oh uh, well for one, thanks for bringing me back home, though it's not like you had a choice anyways, two no that nap was not comfortable but it was a good nap, and three where is Ansiel?"

"Your welcome, and Ansiel is in my room sleeping, he didn't have enough energy to walk to your room so he went to mines, as much as I'd like to deny it, they are actually really adorable when they sleep."

"Do you like them..?" I ask


"Well I'm really curious, do you like them?"

"Yes, but don't tell them ok, I'm not ready for them to know yet."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they don't find out before you are ready." I say, "Actually I'm still really tired myself so I'm going to go back to sleep, you should get some rest too you know."

"I'd like to but I don't have a bed to sleep on."

"Sleep on their bed, I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

"Your right I should do that." He goes and lays down in Ansiel's bed, "goodnight."

"Goodnight" I say back.

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