18. You and I Together

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A/n: I love angst so so much like omg. Anyways this one has angst, and I mean hardcore angst. Also, it's pretty graphic just to give y'all a heads up! I apologize :)

Wednesday Addams

I enjoy a variety of dark things. One of them being death. It's fascinating to view. I do not fear it. What's the point when everyone will eventually die. That is where my mindset used to be at. Not anymore because I met Enid who made me evolve and shaped me into something new. Even if she did change me, I always told myself that I would never feel horrified. I lied... I wish I didn't.

Everything happened in slow motion. My eyes were heavy, but I had enough strength to keep them open and find Laurel ahead of Enid and I. Her gun was out and pointed directly at us. I couldn't predict who would get hit, yet it didn't matter to Laurel. I was close to taking a step, but the sound of two gunshots rang.

Bang! Bang!

Enid gasped, letting go of me as I fell down into the pillar slowly. My eyes broadened in fear, ignoring the soreness as I was sitting down fully on the floor. Two bullets penetrated the front of her body. One on her shoulder, and the second through her stomach. She clutched her bloodied stomach with one hand. Her breath hitched as she wanted to howl in pain but wasn't capable from the lack of energy.

I froze when she fell down on her knees first. Then, Enid was dropping forward towards the ground. Face down she goes, laying flat and trying to get up. Her body struggled while she was shaking. She was losing every ounce of power in her. Enid needs more aid than I do.


I helplessly crawled to the werewolf with the blade still stuck into my stomach. I rolled Enid over onto her back and cradled her. She groaned in pain as tears welled up in her eyes. Both gunshot wounds were pouring out blood. I weakly applied pressure while Enid tried on her stomach. Thing crept to us and helped Enid stop the bleeding near her abdominal area.

Without noticing, Laurel stood next to us. I glared at the woman as hard as I could, but it didn't affect her. Instead, she pointed the gun at Enid's head.

"Get away from her," I clenched the blonde girl as close to me as possible.

"She's suffering Wednesday. I think it's better if I put her down like the mutt she is," Laurel muttered to me.

"Over my dead body. Kill me instead of her!" I shouted angrily.

"I can do both. It will be like Romeo and Juliet, except I murdered you two. So, farewell my favorite students. It was nice meeting you while it lasted," Laurel added with no remorse.

I held Enid tightly and closed my eyes, waiting for the evil woman to pull the trigger. It felt like forever for her to kill us both. Although, it didn't happen.

"Hey Laurel!"

I opened my eyes and glanced up along with Enid to find Yoko from across the room. Without hesitation Laurel fired a couple rounds at the vampire. She flinched slightly and blood began spilling from her own body.

"Pft! HA HA HA HA! You really think a gun will kill me? Remember, I'm immortal. I can suppress anything besides a stake to my heart, but you don't have one," Yoko smirked, taking off her dark glasses.

Her eyes were no longer dark. Rather, they were red. I've never seen a vampire with red eyes, however I read something about it. The color means Yoko is furious and ready to attack. Laurel fired more rounds at the pale girl as she went towards the auburn haired woman. The gun ran out of bullets by the time Yoko was inches near Laurel.

"Now you've really pissed me off! Never fuck with my friends or else you'll be fucked up by me," Yoko closed the gap between her and Laurel.

Her fangs grew out as she dug her teeth into Laurel's neck. Gates tried pulling the vampire away but to no avail. That's when Tanaka unlatched herself and grabbed Laurel by the hair, dragging her away from the crypt. She pleaded and begged for mercy, yet nobody gave in to her cry for help.

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