Chapter 1: One Year Celebration

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Henry POV
It has been almost a year since I opened my special business where people around the world come to visit or stay at my resort. Especially the rich, powerful, or important people come to have a good time and they are very generous with their tips. It's also kid friendly for every child who comes with their parents.

But it's also it's been many months when I got these powers from some crystal but it wasn't a problem since I can control it easily as I thought. My resort is very unique being the first space resort in the world which means a lot of money is rolling in, with nice manners, entertainment, and beautiful exhibits. The main attraction is the pink crystal with its shining light over the small museum.

But nothing about that today I'm celebrating my one year anniversary of my resort and everybody in the hotel is invited including my employees. There will be games, food, drinks, and fun.

"Hey boss," Sven said, cutting me off from my daydream.

"Yes Sven?," I asked.

"Where do I put the dj station?"

"Oh just put it in the middle of the cafeteria."

"Alright." Sven and the others moved it to the center while I brought out the drink and snacks on the two tables." By the way is it true that all the employees are invited to this event?"

"Yes you and the others already done some much to build my business. It's the least I can do."

"Thanks Henry but what will serve the guests?"

"There's some employees who wants to keep working don't know why but I understand."

Sven immediately shook my hand which was strange but I went along with it. A knock came on the door and Burt walked in. We quickly stop and turned to him.

"Hey Burt do you need anything?"

"Um boss there are important people who want to meet with you," Burt said.

"No they can't buy one of our exhibits," I said.

"Actually it's the military."

I was shocked to my bones. If the military is here, then the general is with them but why!? The last time I saw the general was to get a pardoned after building my resort. Sven wasn't too happy after hearing that since we were ex criminals and Burt looked uncomfortable.

"Um... yes I will be right there in a second," I said.

Sven and Burt soon left while I was mentally panicking. I knew this couldn't be good especially on this special night. I stepped out of my office and walked to the front. I was General Galeforce and couple soldiers waiting there for me. I was familiar with two soldiers other than the general. Rupert Price, who hates me for "ruining his life" and Charles Calvin who was the pilot of that mission for me to steal the evidences but I stoled the ruby instead.

"Oh hello general." I gave him a genuinely smile despite being annoyed.

"Hello Henry Stickmin. I see you still running a honest business for yourself," Galeforce said.

I was instantly annoyed by that comment but brushed it aside. "What's brings you and your soldiers here?"

"Well we recently won an important mission and I thought why not to treat my soldiers to a two days break at your resort."

My face turned blank with anger on my mind but I hid it so well.

"Oh that's... great it's too bad you didn't book at other amazing hotels than mines."

"But the general wants the "best hotel" for his soldiers plus your resort is one of the best ones," Rupert said.

I glared at Rupert and he glared back I knew he say it sarcastically but I shook my head, walked away but somebody grabs my hand.

"Um hey not to be rude but I'm sorry about my friend. I guess he's not over the fact your betrayal." It was Charles and he was more polite than that angry away.

"Thank you I guess."

"By the way why everything decorated in your resort?," he asked.

"I'm hosting a celebration for my resort. You guys are invited but don't make me regret." I gently moved my hand and walked away.

Charles POV
Henry marched somewhere else leaving me puzzled meanwhile the others was exciting for the party.

"Cool there's a party," Victoria said.

"Which means some lovely ladies," Konrad said.

"Really Konrad," I said.

"What I'm single."

"Alright guys show some respect to Henry and his business including you, Price." Rupert rolled his eyes and nodded his head in agreement. "Anyway enjoy your selves, you all deserve it."

We all separated to our rooms. Once I enter my room and I dropped my bags and jumped on the bed. I was so exhausted by that mission but glad to catch a break. I thought about the exciting stuff I can do and I also have an awesome time to the space vehicle and their cool rides.

But then I thought about Henry. I always wanted to be partners with him but on actions not like a couple even know Henry is charming,  handsome, and...



I heard knocking on the door, I opened the door, and a woman handed me a few blankets and information about the resort.

"If you need anything, call the front desk and someone will help you," Carol said.

"Thank you miss. Actually I can asked you something."

"Anything sir as long it's not inappropriate."

"Is there a way I can talk to Mr.Stickmin?"

The woman looks confused and thought about it for a moment and turned back to me. "Sorry he's still busy getting the celebration ready but maybe I can asked him."

"Oh thank you mam and sorry for the request," I said.

She soon moved away while I feel so embarrassed asking that. I hope he doesn't find this weird.

Henry POV
Pink mist filled the room as I made the last finished touches in the room. Blue light surrounded me as I rises the party lights on the ceiling. I quickly put away my powers as I heard foot steps.

"Wow you did a good job with the place," Carol said.

"Thank you Miss Carol," I said.

"Also one of the soldiers wants to talk to you."

"Please don't tell me it's Rupert."

"Actually it's Charles Calvin."

My cheeks grew red at the mention of Charles, the nice joyful man. I don't know why I feel like this? What is this feeling?

"Yes, I will go check on him."

I raced out of the room before Carol can stopped me. I went over to his room and knocked on the door. He opened the door and I waved to him.

"Hi you wanted to see me," I said.

"Uh yes actually." He rubbed his head in this awkward moment. I felt embarrassed too since I never talk to anyone as much other than my workers. "So how... are you doing!?"

"Is that's all you want to asked me?"

"N-no, no I wanted to asked you... if maybe I can hang out with you during your party?"

I blinked my eyes to see if he was joking but he wasn't. It was a weird request but I don't mind having company.

"Sured I don't mind but what about your friends?"

"Oh they will be fine," he said.

I smiled back as I walked away. Charles told me he will meet me at the party. Tonight will be a good night.

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