Chapter 5: Ellie Rose

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Henry POV

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Rose."

Charles looked surprised as Ellie grins at me. "You know her!?"

"Well not exactly but I meet her at the wall before I faked my death."

"Nice place you got here." She strutted out of her spot and looked around. "You really improved your life style."

"I mean you were a criminal like me to reform business men."

"Thanks but why are you here?," I said.

"Well you have a lot of rich clients and that really beautiful crystal." She pointed at the my gem. "It's really represent me and I want it along with these small valuables."

I looked over to Charles, then to Ellie. "I'm sorry mam but I can't let you leave with my crystal especially those stolen things."

"Well I guess I should expect this from reform man but..."

Suddenly cannons came out of nowhere and started release paint bombs. Charles pulled us to a table and flipped the table to avoid the paint.

"Wow this is certainly a battlefield," he joked.

"Well you're the soldier. What you suggest us to do?"

"And you're an ex criminal."

He aimed his fingers at me and we both have a laughed before an another paint ball crashed on the table. We started planning.

"Okay you can used your skills to get Ellie while I covered you."

"And how you supposed to covered me?"

Charles looked at me funny before grabbing some extras boxes from the party.

"Always uses anything convenience to your advantage."

I smirked at him and he grins at me. I took off in a launch while Charles throws the boxes, so I don't get hit. Ellie catches on and snatched a pole when I finally got to her.

"Mind picking a fight," she said.

I kicked an another pole to my foot, then and my hand. "I won't mind."

It was weird to sword fight except instead swords, we fight with pipes but it was the best fun I ever have. Ellie was pretty good fighter, she kicked the pipes right out my hand but I toss hers out of her hands.

"Looks like it's over," I said.

"Not yet," she said.

One of her hands started to glow and when she punched pink light blasts from her hand but luckily she missed me by a inches.

"Looks like the crystal gave me powers too."

"Well judging how your attack. I guessing your powers are temporary," I smirked.

Ellie shots all her powers at me while I did the same. I didn't know what Charles was doing. Probably watching a power battle unfold. I tried to kicked her legs but she caught my leg and throw me back. I hit the ground with a thumped and Ellie was towering over me, pointing her fist.

"Any last words."

"I got one," Charles said.

We both turned around to see Charles near to the crystal with a grins on his face/

"Game over."

He snatched the crystal and the pink smoke started to faded away. Pink lights zoomed out of Ellie's hands and return back in the crystal.

"No, no, no!?"

"Oh sweetheart." She looked down and I swiftly kicked her legs, causing her to crash to the floor. "Next time, rob an another business and not mine."

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