Chapter One

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Warning!! Mentions of abuse, Matricide/Patricide, and attempted murder via drowning in this chapter. Reader discretion is advised! If you are sensitive to any of these topics, please click of now. 

I don't know what happened. We were happy for a while, but then everything changed. Why? Why'd they turn on me? They did it. Now it's their fault they're dead. Goodbye...

I was 5 years old when she came into my life. When both of them came into my life. My little sisters. I walked into mother's room with father and that's when I saw them. Two beautiful baby girls being held by mother, wrapped in blankets. "Momma, they're beautiful!" I told her. "Mary, meet your new baby sisters. Jasmine and Marlee." Marlee. Her name sounds just like mine! "I'm going to be the best big sister ever!" I promised all of them.

And I kept my promise... or so I thought. As the years went by, I started to get closer with Marlee. Jasmine, not so much, because it always seemed like she hated me. Our parents were also treating her like the golden child, and Marlee was the black sheep, and me... Well, I got the worst of it. They believed I got possessed by a demon, so they would always do things like abusing me, almost drowning me through ''baptism'' trying to get it out, etc. I felt fine, other than that.

Jasmine mostly watched our parents as we grew while Marlee tried to stop them, almost getting herself hurt in the process. I was the one who protected her when our parents wouldn't. I was basically her mother now. I will always protect her, no matter what.

I started to notice my eye was becoming different. It was black and yellow instead of my usual white and red. I was very scared. Maybe they were right, maybe I am possessed. Then the abuse started to get worse, with them attempting to cut and burn me. I wasn't ok.

This abuse from our parents went on for until I was 13, when I finally had enough. Father had me backed up against a wall, and that's when I noticed it. An axe on the floor. I could use that to protect myself. Before he had the chance to hurt me, I quickly grabbed the axe and chopped off half his arm. His response was screaming as I got up and he said I'd pay for it. I quickly started to chop off his body parts, ending with his head. Mother saw all this and began to call the cops, but I quickly ended her life before she could.

Jasmine and Marlee quickly ran downstairs at the commotion and I snapped my head around to look at them. Jasmine quickly ran to our parents and started sobbing while Marlee looked at me with a frightened, but understanding expression. I stared back at her, eyes filled with regret and mouthed "I'm sorry.". Then I heard the police outside, and just escaped out the window, running off into the forest. When I stopped, I leaned against a tree and just fell asleep.

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