Chapter Four

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Mari and I sat next to each other. We looked at each other and snickered as our science teacher, Mr. Brenner, walked into the room. I knew what he was going to say as he asks it every Monday. I counted down in my head to when he would ask after morning announcements.

"Good morning, class. Hope you had a good weekend," He started, then chatter started up in the room, which he quickly quieted down, "since you all are so chatty about it, would anyone like to share what you did this weekend?"

The class went silent. Then I saw Sam—who was on the other side of me—slowly raise her hand.

"Sam!" Mr. Brenner called out. Sam stayed silent, staring at him nervously.

She spoke up soon though, "I... spoke to a Mii on my Nintendo Wii yesterday," She said, then the entire class started laughing. Mari looked curious though, and to be honest, I was curious too. Maybe I'll ask about it.


When the bell rang, I caught up to Sam in the hallway since I had the same class as her next period.

"Hey, Sam, wait up!" I called as I walked over.

She looked at me in surprise before starting to keep the walking pace with me, "Hey, Mars," She greeted me, "Need something?" I contemplated asking about the Wii she was talking about, before the school bullies walked up to us; William— or Will for short—and his friends, Cooper and Dan.

"Hey, Sam the psychopath! Are you missing your little Mii friend?" Will teased Sam. I saw her gaze darken into a glare as we continued walking.

"Shut up, Will..." She muttered.

"What?" Will spat as he gripped her shoulder and spun her to face him. "I dare you to repeat that."

I quickly shoved him off her, causing him to fall to the ground. Then I spoke, "She said to shut your fucking mouth. Take a hint and leave her alone," I threatened. He growled then got up, turning to leave while telling his friends to as well.

I sighed in annoyance, then looked back over at Sam. She was just staring at me in surprise. Then we both started walking again, talking on the way to our next class. When we got there, we sat next to each other again. Mari wasn't there since he had a different class than us.


The school day went well after the encounter with Will, until history. Mari was with us again and was chatting up a storm to me. I didn't mind it though. He's my best friend, after all. I was sitting there, smiling at Mari's antics as we were working on an assignment. That was when I heard the three girls in front of us—Jane, Ellie, and Faith—talking some shit. Sam noticed as well and started to talk with them.

They tried to get her to continue working, so she leaned close to one of them and mumbled a quick but dark, "Stop. Talking. About me..."

"Ok ok, jeez, just go back to working," The other one said. Mari and I snickered slightly at this. Then I looked over at Sam to see her continue working, not saying anything else. Although, Mari and I continued talking.

The Child of The Host(A WDYxAtsuover fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now