Chapter Three(Timeskip)

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It had been a couple years since the incident and meeting with Host happened. I'm now 16-17 years old. She actually legally adopted me, changed my name, and I was allowed to live with her. Things were going surprisingly well. She never did what they did to me. I'm honestly very thankful for her.

I made some new friends as well. My best friend's name is Mari. He's a wolfblood and was adopted by my mom's sister/frenemy, Anne, with his sister, Maddi. Unfortunately, new friends come with new enemies. It's literally a fight to stay alive with mine. It's a fight to keep everyone I care for alive.

I sighed as I got up to start another day. I hopped out of bed and went downstairs to get breakfast before heading to school. I put my star/snowflake shirt on and my new black and purple jacket. I pulled my hair over my yellow eye, because I wasn't allowed to wear the sunglasses my mom gave me. I went off to school after getting breakfast and putting on my socks+shoes.

It would do me some good to exercise, so I jogged instead of walking. Once I got there, I stopped to breathe, then saw Mari waiting for me. I stretched and walked over.

"Hey Mari," I greeted xem and he looked at me.

"Hi Mars!" Mari replied, "Ready for school?"

"Yep, let's head inside."

We walked in and headed to class. Mari and I chatted a bit as we walked.

"Hey Mars?" Mari said.


Mari hesitated, then asked, "Do you ever miss Henry? Like, your dad, Henry," I blinked in surprise.

"I never met him, but sometimes I do wish I could've. I wonder what he's like too," I admitted. It had been three years since he died. "I never asked my mom about him either. I don't want to upset her."

Mari nodded and we continued walking. I started to think more about it. I might ask Mom about it. I soon bumped into someone as I was staring at the floor.

"Hey! What the hell?!" They yelled. I quickly apologized and explained that I wasn't looking where I was going, then helped them up. I soon realized who it was. It was a girl in mine and Mari's class named Sam. Everyone called her a psychopath, because she believed AIs have feelings. I don't see why that would make her a psycho though. If anything, the psycho in the class is me. She sighed, "It's fine. Just make sure you watch where you're going next time, alright?"

"Alright. Seeya in class, Sam," I waved goodbye and continued on as she walked away. Probably going to the bathroom or something. We soon made it to our class and sat down. 

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