Chapter Six

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I woke up kinda early after a small nightmare and started getting ready for school. After I was done, I went and woke up Marlee. We walked to her middle school, and I dropped her off before heading to school.

I hung out in the cafeteria, waiting for everyone to swarm in. Mari eventually came in and walked over to me. Then we started chatting up a storm. The bell soon rang after everyone else arrived, so Mari and I headed to our first period.

Mari and I sat next to each other again. Sam eventually arrived, then sat down beside me. I just stared at her for a moment then looked back at the board.

"Alright, class. Today is the Science Chapter 4 test," Mr. Brenner said. As he started passing out the tests, I saw Sam slump back in her chair.

"Sam, what happened? Usually you aren't like this from what I gathered," I inquired.

"I'll explain later," She mumbled in response. Then Mr. Brenner came up to her.

"Sam, did you study?" He asked, and she let out a faint "No." in response, "Well I'll give you an adapted version, just this once. Make sure you study next time."

Wow. I know Mari gets an adapted test because he has ADHD which causes him some difficulty with focusing and learning, but Sam is getting an adapted version because she didn't study. That's actually kinda nice.

I got my test and started on it right away so I could finish it and have some free time before class ended. I don't really struggle on Mr. Brenner's tests, even if some may find them difficult. I'm what you could call an overachiever. I study the material until it's stuck in my brain and I can't get it out. Yeah...

I finished the test, turned it in, went back to my desk, then just laid on my desk with my head on my arms. Everyone had finished the test as well and had turned it in. Mari was bragging about being confident he passed cause he actually remembered to study, which I slightly chuckled at. The bell rang and we walked out of class. Then I caught up to Sam again.

"Now will you tell me what was up with you? Will's been acting weird too. What's up with you two?" I questioned. I didn't want to bother her, but I needed to know.

"Well... I don't know how to explain it. Remember when I told you about Eteled?" She responded.

"Yeah, I remember. Why?"

"Well, when I got home, I was going to ask him about possibly meeting you. Then... Will climbed through my window and deleted him-."

"What?! He fucking climbed through your window! What kind of fucked up shit-?!" I yelled.

"Mars, calm down!" She sighed and continued, "Anyways... so he deleted Eteled, but somehow he came back and... tried to kill a Mii that looked like Will."

"Damn," I mumbled. She nodded.

"I'm gonna try and talk to him today. You can come if you want."

I nodded and we continued with the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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