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Luiza Arteta POV:
It's 3 days future. In the last few days I did nothing special. I went to school and watched some Netflix. The new season of outer banks was out so I had to see all of the episodes. And I did one more thing. I thought the whole time about Martin.

I don't know why I kept thinking about him. It's not that I like him. I mean I only saw him once i can't fall for a guy that easy. But there is something what keeps me thinking about him. His eyes for sure but something more. Him being himself. I don't know there is a vibe around him that's very chill and I like that. I don't have that with many people so it's rare I have it with him when I only saw him once.

2 days later
WhatsApp: uncle Mikel

Hey Luiza, I was wondering
if you wanted to watch a training
I think you will like it and maybe
get some new friends!

Okay, I will come!

Great, I will pick you up,
You only have to go home by
yourself because I have to be at
the club the whole day.

That's alright thank you


Aghhh I hate my uncle sometimes. He always worries about me and having friends. He introduces me always to new people and hope I get friends with them because he don't want that I become a loner. I'm really not, I don't wanna have much friends because the biggest part of them are fake.

When I was younger I had a lot of fake friends, especially in high school. Everyone wanted to be friends with me because my parents had much money and my uncle was famous. They faked that they were friends with me to be at my home because it had a pool and they wanted to swim in the pool. And the next day at school they talked only shit about me to other people. That's the reason I don't have many friends, I don't trust people.


I step out of my uncle his car. We are now at the trainingscomplex. I walk with my uncle towards the building when suddenly he had to go away to someone.

'I'm sorry Luiza I have to go for a bit, just wait here I will be back at 5 minutes just wait.' Okay, no problem'

My uncle went away and now it's just me in this big ass building and don't know what to do. A few people are looking weird at me because I never been here and it looks like I'm lost. I sit down at chair and look outside. I see some teams practicing. There is one guy that Gets my attention. It's the blond guy, Martin was his name. I am fully in my thoughts when my uncle came back.

'Come we are going to the field the boys are there already' 'yeah I come' I answer.

When we arrive at the field everyone looked at me. I get a bit anxious because I don't like that much of attention. My uncle starts to speak. 'Okay boys, this is my niece Luiza, I thought it will be fun for here to watch a training so be nice to here.'

I look at the boys when suddenly my eyes locks with an other pair of eyes. They are blue, ocean blue. I recognise the eyes, they are different. It are Martin his eyes. I quickly look away.

'One thing more, is there someone who wants to give Luiza a quick tour of the training complex?' I wait for someone to answer the question. In my head it feels like hours before someone answers but in real life it was just 2 seconds. 'I want to do it' I hear Martin say. 'Okay great' answers my Uncle.


I walk alway with Martin. 'So do you like it here?'  Asks Martin. 'Yeah I think, first I didn't wanted to come but I don't had a change to not go' 'why not? 'It's my uncle, he wants that I make friends because I don't have really much so he links me with every person he knows. 'That's a kinda weird, but why don't you have much friends' ' I don't know, I don't really want to be friends with some random people, I don't trust them. That's the biggest problem' oh that's shit but I will be your friend, if you want that of course' I laugh a bit at him. 'Yeah of course I want to be your friend!' We smile at each other and then we go back to the field.


The training ends and I want to go home but there is one problem, how? My uncle is here at the club so I have to go with the subway but I don't know we're the subway is. I think I'm just going to wait for my uncle. Suddenly someone taps on my shoulder. I look at the person, it is Martin. 'Hey Martin!' 'Hey, what are you doing here?' 'I'm waiting for my uncle, I don't have a car to go home so the only option is waiting.' 'That's sucks but it's not the only option'

Im a bit confused what he means. 'What do you mean?' 'You can go with me, I will bring you home' 'uhh okay sure but you don't have to I can wait' 'are you crazy your uncle will be here for like 4 hours at least, you can come with me' 'okay thanks!'

We go this his car and I sit in the car. This man has a beautiful car. It's an Audi, I'm the biggest fan of Audi. 'Martin you have a beautiful car' he smiles at me. 'Thank you'

We talk the whole way home and then we arrive at my house. I want to step out of the car but Martin stops me. 'Luiza before you go, can I maybe have your number?' What the fuck is happening, this guy is asking my number? 'Yeah ofcourse you can!' I give him my number and then I go. 'Bye Martin and one more time, thank you for the drive!' 'No problem Luiza, bye.'

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