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It's 8.45pm and Carlotta and I are ready for the party. Martin is here in 15 minutes so we wait for a bit. After waiting Martin rings the door and I open it.

'Hey Martin!'
'Hey Luiza, where is Carlotta. I wanna meet her'
'She's in the living room'
'Okay, thanks'

Martin walks to the living room and I follow him.

'Hey Carlotta, Nice to meet you!'
'Hey Martin the boy Luiza never stops talking about

NOOOOO, why does she says that to him. I look at Martin a bit ashemd, but he smiles at me.

The three of us walk to his car and after a ride of 20 minutes we arrive at Saka his house. We walk to the door and Saka opens it. He gives me a hug and I introduce myself.

'Hey Saka, I'm Luiza'
'Hey Luiza, Nice to meet you!'

After I introduced myself Carlotta introduced herself and I can't stop smiling at them. I can see in Carlotta her eyes that's she thinks saka is hot. I hope for her that he thinks the same.

After a few ours talking with other people and of course Martin and Carlotta I can't find Carlotta anymore. I start a bit to worry so I walk to Martin who is standing with a few teammates.

'Martin, can I please talk to you for a second.'
'Yes of course you can'

Martin and I walk to a quite place and I begin to speak.

'So I think I'm overreacting but I can't find Carlotta anymore, I don't think there is something wrong but I don't know I'm just worried'

Martin looks a bit worried but after a few seconds he start laughing. You can clearly see that he is a bit drunk and it is hilarious.

'Martin I'm Serious, do you have an idea we're she is or not?'
'Yeah, I have an idea we're she is'

Martin just laughs really hard at me and it is a bit frustrating

'Martin please say it now'
'She is with Saka I think. I was talking with Saka begin the evening and he said to me that he thought that Carlotta was cute. And later in the evening I saw him walking away with a girl and I think it was Carlotta'

I start to smile and I know exactly where she is.

'Omg' I say laughing


After everyone was going home Martin and I are also going. We still haven't see Saka or Carlotta but we decided to going home because they are surely together somewhere.

I drive home because Martin had drunk to much to drive and Martin is so funny while he is drunk.

'Luiza, you are so hot driving'
'Martin I know your drunk, shut your mouth'
'Yeah I'm drunk but, no I'm not drunk I'm never drunk'
'Martin you are drunk'
'Okay what you say little dog'
'Martin wtf are you saying'
'I don't know just what is on my mind'

After that we arrive home and we are now laying in bed. I managed Martin to go to bed an we are cuddling right now.

'I was thinking about last afternoon' Martin says randomly
'What is it?'
'Did you really talk about me that much'

I can't stopping me from smiling and he gets it.

'Okay, you are taking about me a lot'
'Maybe I am'
'I thinks it's cute, and bay the way I understand look at me who wouldn't talk about me a lot'

I smile at him. I swear this man is so full of hisself when he is drunk.


Hey guys I'm sorry for this shorter part but I didn't had to much time to write. The next parts will be longer!

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