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"You can hear the broke coming from you," Ethan says. I elbow his side, "Like those $100 aren't out of your savings." He looks down, telling me that what I've said is true. "Even if it is, it's not like you will win." 

Someone passes by. "Hello babe," Ethan says. I turn to see Ava, "Hello, you two!" "Hello Ava, nice to see you today," I respond back. Ava and Ethan are now talking and I am starting to feel like a third wheel. Maybe I'll work in that bet.

The bell rings and I head into the locker room. I am surprised people are just letting me and Louis walk around all bloody and bruised, but whatever. I sit next to Louis as close as possible and surprisingly he had a very strong body, he just can't seem to put it to use. He had better not be going easy on me. "Why are you staring at me," Louis says. I had no idea I was still doing that, "I'm not, stop being so full of yourself," I spat. Louis looks away, and I try to hold in my laugh. I have to be nicer to this weirdo now, curse you Ethan. He is so lucky it's for $100.

"Sorry for earlier," I say. He clicks his tongue, "Yeah right, you've been doing this for years. Have you suddenly came to your senses? What a joke." I am trying my hardest not to punch his right now. Think of the $100 Jacob. "Maybe I have. Either way I am sorry and If you don't accept that, it's on you." He looks somewhat amused at this, I don't know if I should be upset or not. "I'll just ignore you from now on." "I don't believe you," he says. "What," the word slips from my mouth. "I don't believe you or your apology." "That isn't my problem," I say and slip my shirt off. "Hangout with me." "I'm sorry?" "Not because I want to, you weirdo. I want to see if you're telling the truth. I wouldn't go so far to say to become friends though, I just want you off my back already." I slip my shirt on and he does the same. "Sure."

I take off my pants and slip on my shorts. "Wait for me," Louis says and tugs on my arm. "Alright." He fully gets changed, "Hey are those bruises on your chest from me," Louis asks. "No, don't worry about it. It's nothing anyways," I say and we go to the benches. "We all are going to be running in pairs." Everyone sighs in agony, including me and Louis. "Boo hoo," the coach says. "Now get up!" We all stand up, "Pair with the person beside you." I look to my side and see Louis. Oh great. "I will tie your ankles together and we will be seeing who can deal with the situation best, as we run a lap through the field."

Why did I have to make up with Louis? I could have been running with Ethan right now. "Louis, Jacob, you will have to be running with Angie." I am going to die. Why is this world against me? Angie runs over to Louis and songs him. Louis looks absolutely disgusted, which has been the best part of this whole thing so far. The coach walks up to us and ties our ankles together. Lucky me, I got stuck stuck in the middle of the two most annoying people I could possibly think of. Thank God I tried to make up with Louis before this. Never have I been so thankful that he existed.

"Ugh! Why do I have this loser beside me," Angie complains and let me say, Louis did not look like he was having any of it. "Let's just get through this quickly so I don't have to be near you two." That's good enough for me, I didn't want to be near them either. "Kay," Angie says, although I doubt her heels will be of use to us.

We ended up being in fourth, which I don't consider too bad. "Angie you need to stop wearing those stupid heels during gym." I walk away from those two and head back over to Ethan. "Did you have fun?" "Haha very funny," I say. "I had a great time." "Of course you did. You were with your girlfriend," I mumble. "Have you gotten ahead with our bet," he asks. "Quiet down," I say. "He'll hear you. And yes I've apologized to him. Honestly I am glad he was there." "Woah," Ethan says. "Some improvement I see?" "Oh shut up," I say and grab my books. "Whatever dude," he says and slaps me on the back. "You have English next right?" Oh great and I- "You sit next to Louis there right?" "You read my mind." 

"Good luck then," he says and walks away. "Hey Jayy," I turn around and see Louis. "I know I said I was sorry but I didn't say we were best buddies now." "Eh, whatever. You want to head to English together?" I really have nothing better to do. "Sure, I guess," I say and he grabs my arm. "Great, let's go." 

Me and him walk to class, or rather he dragged me to class as he walked. "Isn't this a unique pair," the teacher calls out as we walk by. Oh great now everybody is staring at us. I may cause fights but trust me I hate attention. "Don't worry Mrs. K," Louis says. "We...," he stalls. "We are trying to get along," I say. "The detention has really gotten to you boys, hasn't it? I'm glad. I'm sure you boys will be great friends." That is by far the worse thing I've ever heard. "Me too Mrs. K." Actually I take it back. That was the worst thing.

"I'm sure you boys won't minding doing group work together then! How great," Mrs. K says as she smiles. Oh great. What hell is waiting for me? Is this Karma because I will never do anything bad ever again. I should've went to church when mom told me too... "I don't know about that Mrs. K," Louis says looking towards his friend, I think his name is Andrew, but I have never really seen or talk to him around the school. 

"Well we will see what I choose," Mrs. K says and we walk to our seats.

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